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  1. C

    help me!!!!!!!

    Keep flowering it - its just overwatered it will recover in a couple days though. Changing the light cycle again at this point would just create more problems.
  2. C

    Male or Female?

    Sorry dude, if it has sacks its a male. It could possibly turn hermie tho - check for white hairs.
  3. C

    Flowering 6 weeks - Strange spotting plz help!

    Hey thanks Sinister - the leaf tips are actually curled down though, and not turning brown yet. And it seems to be occurring on the older growth - although there havnt been many new leaves lately as it is nearing the end of flowering.
  4. C

    Flowering 6 weeks - Strange spotting plz help!

    I have two plants that have been flowering for just over 6 weeks now. Yellow and orange spots are appearing on several leaves, spreading outward from the vein. I cant seem to find anything similar does anyone have any ideas? Thanks a lot