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  1. F

    dwc problem.. help please!

    How.duo u know its not your nutrients?
  2. F

    dwc problem.. help please!

    I use pH ED spring water
  3. F

    dwc problem.. help please!

    the roots are looking good as one long one sticking down in the bucket.. It was starting to get a little wet slimy so I added some H202 to 29 percent.. I'm using ionic grow.. It doesn't say anything about micronutrients on it. so it sounds like I need to get some huh? I use a dropper pH kit...
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    dwc problem.. help please!

    IM NOT sure on res temps.. ph between 5.5 vand 6... using bionic grow
  5. F

    dwc problem.. help please!

    2 plants dwc.. small one started from seed.. 2 wks old.. ppm was at 300, then i thought might be nute burn so lowered to 220.. larger one is clone.. had for 1 wk from a friend.. ppm at 320.. looks like a deficiency on this one. ph is good on both. any suggestions????
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    okay, thanks. i plan to hand water it until the roots are far enought down to where i feel comfortable letting the system take over
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    after germinating the seed in paper towel, then moving it to rockwool. o i place the seed still in the rockwool into my growing meium or take it out? its a dwc system
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    Hydro nutrients

    I'm looking into starting a DWC hydro system. What would you suggest for a nutrient kit?
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    first grow, harvest question

    thank you kermit, and northofengland for the replies!
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    first grow, harvest question

    i really dont know the strain, they were given to me by a friend and i know that he had them flowering before i acquired them.. they werent very healthy when i got them because of neglect. i have had them 3wks i have a 60-100x
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    first grow, harvest question

    as i said this is my first grow and i have a microscope but im having an extremely hard time deciphering betwwen clear and milky tricomes.. what do you all think? i do not know what strain it is, or how long its been flowering as i didnt know to keep track of that...
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    new grow box

    i plan on doing this in a small grow box where heat would he a concern.. and with LED i would get both sides of the grow spectrum..
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    new grow box

    im thinking of doing a small 2x2x3' hydro grow box. am looking into led lighting. would 5 of these be sufficent for 4 plants during veg stage? and this for budding?
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    lighting question

    im thinking of doing a small 2x2x3' hydro grow box. am looking into led lighting. would 5 of these be sufficent for 4 plants during veg stage...
  15. F

    Leaves are looking funny.

    thanks for the tips all
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    professional opinion?

    it is flowering.. can i get a ph kit at wal mart? price range?
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    professional opinion?

    soil.. i cut the nutes out for flowering. these were given to me so i dont know what he was using for nutes, an i have no ph meter
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    professional opinion?

    there is another right next to it that is same distance away an that one is fine an healthy..
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    professional opinion?

    its about 18inches. i went by the hold your hand at canopy for 30 secs and see if it gets hot.. it was perfectly comfortable to me. it is a HPS light
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    professional opinion?

    anyone know what possibly might be causing this??