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  1. passdabong

    When's the last time you cried?

    If I start thinking about some of the hopeless things in life / my life when I'm high/trippin', or just plains sober... Oppurtunities I've missed, decisions, etc.. I don't full out cry, but I tear up, and a overhwelming amount of sadness encompasses me. As well as overwhelming happy moments...
  2. passdabong

    How do they look

    Look great to me. :peace:
  3. passdabong

    I'm wearing Long Johns rit now...and i feel right :D

    try adding more to the style and tell us what you come up with, long johns are new to me
  4. passdabong


  5. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    I get where you're coming from, and I agree we have pills or suppressents, etc.. for everything. I assure you I'm not going to become a pharmy. I also didn't understand that's the angle you were coming from. I just wanted to try it, see where it takes me. Alright, well nevermind. I...
  6. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    What's wrong with you.. Why would you say this stuff, because I tried robo? I think you have a few things to sort out before you try to tell me what's good for me. I'm guessing you either have too much or too little of people telling you how to do things, regardless put me in your situation. I...
  7. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    And yes I do, I always do my research, and you don't know the details which further invalidates your point.
  8. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    Of course I know. Anything you do can kill you, and quite frankly it's absurd that your calling me an idiot. I'm perfectly responsible, and in control of the choices I've made. And what the hell, why do you want to place rules/advisors and that shit upon yourself and your journey in this...
  9. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    I'm talking 2/3 of the normal bottle, so ya a good amount, but nothing too severe. I've heard of people taking 2 bottles and wanting to pull off their skin. We also created the most ambient atmosphere as well. I think atmosphere is a good % of how your trip, but we were at peace for quite a...
  10. passdabong

    Indica + Robotussin!! Robo Trippin'

    I could place this 'trip' in the same vecinity a the first time I did 2 hits of acid. Or atleast I felt like that. It was intense. I had my laptop + logic pro, and quite a few plug-ins/samples, let's just say there were TOO MANY interesting noises!! WOW! it was amazing Time slowed down...
  11. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    Ahh, I don't want to leave this discussion, this is one of the most thought provoking situations I've been in in quite a while, but unforutnately I don't think I can continue, I'm extremely tired. Mentally and physically (long day). I apologize, but I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard...
  12. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    I can understand when I ask, "why" questions, that they say "i don't know", but it frustrates me. I want to understand them, but they can't convey it. It interests me, but they don't consider it a big deal - confuses me. just realized how much we dominated this 10 pages back
  13. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    This was one arguement I was trying to tell my friend. I don't necessarily look at someone as stupid or smart. Everyone has something to offer, and it's how you precieve it, it's either relevant or irrelevant to your situation, and we tend to dismiss things we don't agree with/ understand - i...
  14. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    I also think about the knowledge and stuff I collect & the amount of info in my small group, then I start thinking about everyone everywhere and it really puts things into perspective how vast everything is. It's another overhwhelming element. Different cultures, people, etc...fascinates me.
  15. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    Alright, your thought and questions are so close to mine it's unreal. I was thinking that when I started talking about human interaction. Ahh wow, you have the same feeling I do, it would just break me, I couldn't handle it, I can't fathom how REAL that would be...damn, why are your...
  16. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    cant tell you how many times i've come back to that mantra "ignorance is bliss" be right back, gotta make some food, hungry
  17. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    I agree with you, but why would we be givin' such an advantage? Why would we be the mental minority? I'm not sure what I'm trying to say, I just don't know if I'm completely willing to place those people underneath me. hmm..:dunce:
  18. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    truly open minded... wow clarification is a nice thing :bigjoint:
  19. passdabong

    worst/best quality or habbit

    Have you ever thought it might have been something wrong with you. I have. It's kind of insecure thought, but I've been there. I convience myself it's not though. Don't really know how to look at that situation.