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  1. DragonPhoenix

    Apparently heat ruined all my germing TGA seeds

    Sub - you're the man. I've recently learned a little more about what you do Sub and I've got a TGA grow I'm pretty excited to start. Deep Purple, Querkle, Qleaner, and Space Bomb. I've got some Space Queen going now and I'm just hoping a get a couple females. Just wanted to say thanks on...
  2. DragonPhoenix

    Fairly large room 15x15 how would I set this up?

    The system isn't exactly scaleable if you have any experience with it. It can be done but it's alot of work. ALOT.
  3. DragonPhoenix

    How to build Ebb n Gro Tutorial DIY

    I've got a couple months experience with the system and it's amazing. I have had no problem flooding every 4 hours - remember that plants need water all the time, not just when the sun is out. On another note has anyone found buckets to use similiar to the original? The two gallon buckets...
  4. DragonPhoenix

    How the ez cloner works ?

    The system is super basic - - 1/2" PVC pipe ($5) - EZ Clone sprayer heads ($5) - 300 gph pump ($20) - rubbermaid tub ($8) - 2" netpots and neoprene collars ($30) The most expensive part of the build is going to be your timer. I've heard you can use one of the standard heavy duty timers that...
  5. DragonPhoenix

    Aeroflo2 60 and LED Users! Help!

    In order to have any shot of success you need to ditch the LEDs and get lights for flowering. I'm speaking from first hand experience in using both forms of lights.
  6. DragonPhoenix

    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    You've got a sativa dominant plant judging by those fan leaves. Good luck with the remaining time before harvest.
  7. DragonPhoenix

    Can CO2 reduce potency if used in the last 2 weeks?

    Why don't you post the source where you read this. I'd be very surprised if this is true. The potency of the plant is genetic - not something that can be increased or decreased due to environmental controls (nutrients, light, water, air, etc.).
  8. DragonPhoenix

    dutch pass. blueberry?

    I've currently got a DP BB in bloom with a couple weeks left until harvest. The plant was easy to grow and I trained it easily and expect to yeild about 1lb from it. It did stretch a bit when it was a seedling but other than that no real problems.
  9. DragonPhoenix

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    Wow it looks like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you. Good luck with it and I'll be watching!
  10. DragonPhoenix

    Tie em down... HIGHer Yields

    Absolutely agree as well. I have topped and tied EVERY single plant outside and the results are AMAZING. I've actually got a blueberry plant that was not topped but the top was tied down. The result was EVERY branch basically became a top so I have approximately 15-20 tops on this plant.
  11. DragonPhoenix

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    build a bomb shelter around it.
  12. DragonPhoenix

    F%CK! After the spidi-mite, I find a GNAT. what a wonderful day.

    Just a bit of info for all you growers out there. It is my understanding that H2O2 will kill off any beneficial bacteria you have if you are growing organically. This means you should only be using H2O2 if you are using chemical fertilizers. Fungas gnats are not that big of a deal. Let the...
  13. DragonPhoenix

    Bud Rot

    Sorry for your loss bro :cry: The only thing I can think of is that a strain I'm growing is TH Seeds Rambo. It claims to be a guerilla grower's best friend. It seems like a pretty good plant so far from what I can tell but I'm not exactly in gorilla territory and my plants get alot of attention.
  14. DragonPhoenix

    Fox Farm Till She Dies?

    Regardless of what brand of fertilizer I am using I always stop feeding 2w prior to harvest and flush. I don't know about you but I don't particularly care for fertilizer in my food/bud. I have read on Clearex that you can fertilize up to 3d before harvest but I'd play it safe. DP
  15. DragonPhoenix

    can I still take clones?

    There won't be any problems taking clones during preflowering stage. From my understanding it is not advisable cut off large portions of a plant during flowering, but we're talking small clones here anyway and during preflowering. You can also take clones during flowering, however from...
  16. DragonPhoenix

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    fdd - sorry if you answered this already but what is the purpose of the carport? I'm guessing it's serving multiple purposes such as supporting the scrog net and also blocking out rain to prevent bud mold. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible. I'm an indoor guy who does a little outdoor...
  17. DragonPhoenix

    Is it true hydro plants taste nasty?

    It reallly does not matter what medium you use to grow the plants if you know what you are doing and take care of the plants. People who tell you soil vs hydro vs aero difference most likely have absolutely no experience so they are probably talking out their arse. Also plants can be grown...
  18. DragonPhoenix

    liquid karma??

    yes it will turn your roots dark brown
  19. DragonPhoenix

    Need expert advice Fast!!!!Spider mite probloem*PICS*

    Frank - I would get some BANG from altgarden. It's natural and safe to use up to 3 days before harvest. I'd be checking my plants ALOT and spraying once a day at a minimum. You can also try Neem Oil, or water with a tiny bit of dish soap.
  20. DragonPhoenix

    Spider Mites

    The shops at are local to me. I recently encountered a spider mite problem and I continue to battle it. I've been using BANG several times a week and continue to check the underside of leaves and kill any mites that I see. From what I've experienced once you have mites it's a...