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  1. E

    Constructing a nice sized room, need a little advice......

    man, I dream of having that much space. I would put the sink outside, because you may want the room inside later on, and also because if you get a hose adaptor for the faucet you can bring a water source into the grow room whenever you want. If you have the space you could have the mother...
  2. E

    question about sexing and aeroponics

    ok thanks for the imput, so do you think pulling the roots apart after say 4 weeks of growth would be enough to kill the remaining plants or not?
  3. E

    question about sexing and aeroponics

    I have a aeroponic setup all ready to go, but i am going to be starting from seed(Dr GreenThumb's Endless Sky). So The question is whether or not I can go directly from seed in the aero unit, and seperate the males without worrying about hurting the other plants roots? I ask this because I...
  4. E

    How long can you store bud?

    I remember reading that cured bud will last for about 2 years without losing potency, if kept in an airtight container (mason jar) and kept in a room temperature dark place
  5. E

    hey dude, read a post you wrote about endless sky, and I was wondering if you had any personal...

    hey dude, read a post you wrote about endless sky, and I was wondering if you had any personal experience with it? I am very close to ordring it because of the incredible harvest time and the large predicted harvest. Any info would be real helpful, and thanks for your time man.
  6. E

    dark spots on leaf w/ pics please help

    i flushed the plant today hopefully that will work, but I am still curious as to what the problem was b/c I have not seen any pictures of plant issues that look like this plant does
  7. E

    dark spots on leaf w/ pics please help

    its a soil grow, and the soil ph is about 6.8-6.9 very consistently. I have been using miracle grow water soluble nutrients. but I have only used nutes twice because my other plant got nute burn so it was been just tap water (ph'd) for the past 2 and a half weeks.
  8. E

    dark spots on leaf w/ pics please help

    these are the pictures, I messed up the first time with uploading them
  9. E

    dark spots on leaf w/ pics please help

    I'm in about the 4th week of flowering and all of a sudden these dark spots appeared earlier this morning. I am thinking it might be some kind of nutrient lockout because I have been watering with tap water, but it's ph is just below 7. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  10. E

    Help Out with harvest plz

    ya dude it should be alright, even if it kinda starts dieing any energy it has or produces will pretty much be used for producing buds. Also remember that your other option is killing the whole thing anyway, so you really don't have to worry about it being super healthy, just giving it the...
  11. E

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I have a squirell cage fan that I got out of a dead stove. It has a 2 cord power connection with a little plastic thing connecting the end of them, looks like a plug for the stove or something. I am trying to wire a plug on it so I can attach it to a carbon filter.
  12. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    Yes, but I think you need much less than 6 hours of darkness, for vegetative growing is the only thing I think you are still not getting from all of this. Hayduke - Sorry this is a pretty high thought, but is your name duke, and everytime I read your name am I saying hi to you? I'm attaching...
  13. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    Oh, my bad just took them off of my biology slides, and I must have left the text behind. I will work on that now, but cool info about the non 24 hour grow cycle, I am very interested in reading about that, and after I attempt to put those slides up I will go searching for that. It makes sense...
  14. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    They do grow in the dark because the calvin cycle is still producing sugar, startch, amino acids, an fatty acids in the dark. These components are what make the plant grow, and the plant will continue to grow in the dark as long as it has stores of ATP and NADPH remaining.
  15. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    Think about growing as a buisness, you want the maximum yield, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of overhead. If you run 24/0 your lights and ballasts will wear out quicker because you don't allow them any time to cool down between uses and instead have them on for weeks or...
  16. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    here are those diagrams. time to smoke haha too much science on saturday morning, haha hope i helped a little. :joint::hump:
  17. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    Ya, but what I'm saying is that you may want to try 20/4, 21/3, 22/2 or something like that. I feel like 6 hours of darkness is too much for a plant being fed by a mechanical light, and 0 hours of darkness is not enough to allow the calvin cycle to catch up with the light reactions.
  18. E

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    Hey guys, I'm usually a lurker (thanks for all the info you guys provide, I use it well), but ya I am a very scientific minded person, so lets think about this. As has already been said photosynthesis occurs only while the plant is exposed to light. The Calvin cycle (sometimes misleadingly...
  19. E

    Cultivation in Ohio

    ya i have always wondered about how they do the weight also.