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  1. L

    Are these babys ready to be cut?

    I'm thinking about growning an afghan...where did you buy your seeds?!?!
  2. L

    Im so confused!!!!

    thanks alot youve cleared my understanding a lot (i hope) Im thinking of just getting a few household cfl bulbs and lugging them into my wall socket so they can watch over my plants when ive planted the seeds what voltage would i need? Ive heard abotu 40 watts is good but then again im a...
  3. L

    Nirvarna Stealth

    I live in the UK... are Nirvarna based in the UK? When I'm ordering do i need to change my name/address or something? Im gettin prettty paranoid after reading the stories of how people get busted after buying from nirvarna
  4. L

    Im so confused!!!!

    First time grower... I know F*** all about anything. The only lamps I'm familiar with is stuff like this: :shock: I know I know. Help me out here. CFL BULBS?!?! WTF can i plug that stuff into a british wall socket?!?! if there's a way how...
  5. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Basically he's been growing it for a while now hes passing on to me... It doesn't even look like a plant. It's supposed to be top 44 but its stupidly thin the leaves dont fan but curl in on themselfs some of the stalks are broken. and btw im talking REALLY REALLY thin here. some tiny buds are...