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  1. oldhippy54

    how do i get buds all up the middle of my plants?

    my plants doing the same but mine is inside in a closet lined with aluminum foil and the bottom is producing buds and shes going on 3 months inside. i WAS going to cut those leaves but theyre coming out on the stem and buds are growing on the stem and the branches. i would give them atleast...
  2. oldhippy54

    budding time period

    if you take a clipping of a leaf off the plant, you can keep a steady nonstop growing operation. BELIEVE ME , I HAVE READ SO MUCH ABOUT GROWING , ITS COMING OUT MY EARS LMMFAO! EVERYONE HAVE A SAFE AND EXCELLENT 4TH OF JULY!!!!
  3. oldhippy54

    My Marijuana Plant is Really Thin

    your light is too high for 1 thing and i put aluminum foil on the walls to reflect the heat to the bottoms too. i was going to place a box over mine so it bushes out and will keep the heat to a very good temp
  4. oldhippy54

    Can someone tellme wats wrong with my plant

    man i transplanted mine into a bucket and put 2 sticks of miracle grow in it and i water it about 3 maybe 4 ounces a day,looks like those leaves are dead. i would pinch them off but thats me. i think the transplanting will help and just leave it be. i killed my 1rst plant trying too much advice...
  5. oldhippy54

    my first grow how do they look and a few ?s

    :wall:any ideas on my plant? it just took off growing this week! about an inch per day. should i put more soil in it ? tie it down or put some screen over it so it will not grow taller but fill out more? i have no idea....i am just glad that i am seeing some progress lol! its like having a baby...
  6. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    i have read that you can use toliet paper around the broken stem to try to save it but DO NOT put a fan on it till it has healed! mine is about 8 inches tall in a bucket and i am contemplating putting some wire over the plant to keep itfrom getting any taller. i also read you can bend the plant...
  7. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    mine are doing well so far and really spreading out at the top as you can see but still a baby! it is so hard waiting to see if will be a good grow or not!!!!
  8. oldhippy54

    Welcome New Members!

    nice looking plant alx! how old is it and what strain? i am asking because my baby is looking to grow the same way annd is doing well without much care at all.
  9. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    the fan really helps the stem for sure!
  10. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    alberts a great guy to work with!
  11. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    yes he leftfeedback and i just typed in marijuana seeds worldwide instead of just the u.s.. yeah everyone can see what i bought but i have bought poppys and 10 other seeds on there. i was going to make a poppy tea or process it into a morphine paste. isnt the internet wonderful lol! scuse me but...
  12. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    yes i am in new york but dont come lookin cause i have nuthing and know nuthing lol!
  13. oldhippy54

    Marijuana Seeds

    freakin postal service squeezes the envelopes so they can break the seeds or see whats in it! happened to me!
  14. oldhippy54

    seeds on sale

    customs might have caught them but if they did you would have gotten a letter with a empty envelope telling you. i got seeds from spain and it took me 5 days to get them.
  15. oldhippy54

    seeds on sale

    hey sid...i tried adding you but you gotta accept man! have a good day!
  16. oldhippy54

    When to lower temps for purple strains

    ok my plant seems to grow faster when i stash it in the bathroom with just 2 cfl bulbs going??? it is greener and developed 3 more leaves over night i counted 13 this morning ....any explanations for this? the temp stays around 72 f. i am puzzled over this but i have read about growing outside...
  17. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    i am in "my own little world along with everyone else on here! lol!" here are 4 seeds out of 22 i got off ebay.didnt want to plant them all but go to and look up teriapiasalternatives {the seller albert}. he is a great guy to talk with! delivery was very stealth.
  18. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    how does my plant look now? i pushed more soil up against the stem which is getting thicker. i also added a jobes nute stick
  19. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    i am giving the plant few ounces of water per day to make the roots stretch and going to go get a few more lamps or a tracklight for the others i am going to plant.thanks for everything{i dont give up so easily}. thanks!
  20. oldhippy54

    giving up on my first grow?

    i did and it started spreading out at the top. About 1 inch from the top