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  1. Y

    Free Grow Software!

    I think the sodtware can be cool, but I dont know how to use it :P
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    how how to mix soil with perlite 50/50 or 80/20 ?

    Hi, I've bought Biobizz Light mix 20L and a bag of perlite 10L and 1L of biobizz grow to watering :) I dont know how to mix it -.- can u help me? I'm using some Real daylight, but soon I need to put em under the cfl's :(. and I dont know how to add biobizz grow to watering,should I mix it...
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    help, frist inddor grow

    hi,still here ;D do I need some special Psu to geto on the MH bulb? o.O?
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    help, frist inddor grow

    they are pretty small are still in veg stadium think ,so for the first month or two will use the MH 250W with some cfl's 6400K, after it I think to change it to HPS 250W with some bonus 2700K cfl's :) and with some Bio Buzz Bio Bloom.
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    help, frist inddor grow

    the box is 80cm x 70cm and on the bottom is a separator so the box can be about 80cm x 100/110cm,but for the begin will keep so like it is. I tought to place this lamp on the top with some homemade reflector will use aluminum trays to reflect the light good,and maybe one / two 32W CFL for each...
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    help, frist inddor grow

    for a small place like 80 - 100 cm2, will be enough a 250 Watt MH and maybe 2 or 3 bulbs? I covered the homemade growbox inside with mylar
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    help, frist inddor grow

    hi growers :) my frend gave me some seeds,and now the plants are 5cm - 10cm high :hump:,and I need some help because need to move them into my house, I've build a cage of wood L:160 - W:90 - H:90, need only to cover it around with some wthite/ black plastic towel. I can't buy a high...