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  1. kTOWN.Grown

    Money Laundering

    hey guys would like to know what you know about money orders. through wall mart or post office any other companies??? and post office requires the senders ssn but not receiver, i was wondering if you cash through wall mart does the government have access to that info? dont want to cash through...
  2. kTOWN.Grown

    What conditions do you have that allowed you to qualify for the card?

    What conditions do you have that allowed you to qualify for the card?
  3. kTOWN.Grown

    noticed the tag at the end of your post, do you know any good medical doctors in hawaii? that...

    noticed the tag at the end of your post, do you know any good medical doctors in hawaii? that perscribe cards. i fell off a skateboard and cracked my skull and was woundering if you know any one that is good that i could see in hawii. tried thfc but they suck.....thanks brah
  4. kTOWN.Grown

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    what is this and how do i get rid of it......first grow......its brown golden dots and as you can see plants budding......but i know that it shouldnt be there. aloha
  5. kTOWN.Grown

    Plant Issue (Poor little guy)

    hahahahah i just saw this post and went to take my little leafs off my plant and split my plant in half.......i am a dumbass~!~!~!~!~!~
  6. kTOWN.Grown


    Hey man thats really depressing, my best to ya. check out this site, because i was getting bitched at that i was growing in my garage. looked up some things incase i was ever caught in something like whats happening wit you. check this site out Aloha and welcome - e komo mai i think that they...
  7. kTOWN.Grown

    plant thieves

    same shit happened to my friends brother, every1 around knew it was a kid that took it. went back to my friends house and saw the fucker at the bus stop, he had 2 black eyes, 2 fucken broken arms(BY THE WAY thats the funniest shit ever), a broken leg. And the best part, the kid gave the weed...
  8. kTOWN.Grown

    Potatomon's 2008 Grow

    dude didt you get kicked out of school thats why you had to move out! that sucks balls man!
  9. kTOWN.Grown

    What do you do when your grow is found?

    stoners at work this was a funny post to read. i thought it was bad when my "mommy" found my two plants in the garage, 30 in the fucken jungel damn man!!!! i remember i was high and telling my mom that i would give her half of my profits from growing it and she threw them away i cried my self to...
  10. kTOWN.Grown

    beautiful plants

    DUDE that is a UNREAL FUKEN PLANT MAN!!! sorry i cant help as i am still on my 1st grow, but that is one fucken UNREAL plants!!!!! fuken lucky dude!
  11. kTOWN.Grown

    Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)

    think all that european shit is so good, you got to keep it hawaiian_style we be getting the best bud from big island. when you can you gotta come to hawaii we got the hook upz. high school kids be paking good shit.
  12. kTOWN.Grown

    Buddah White Dwarf Fems 400W Indoor Grow

    Thats a kick ass grow set up you got there. where did you pick thoese seeds up they sound sweet, are they a lowryder hybrid? of some sort. sweet!!! Aloha
  13. kTOWN.Grown

    Weed vs shrooms

    Fuck all thoese hardcore shit i want to be something in my life, just smoke the green or purps what ever you can grow this shit is scary. has any 1 heard of smoking so much that you throw up a shit load and get hot or cold flashes, happened to me the other day wasnt fun at all. had a shit load...
  14. kTOWN.Grown

    another questions bout lighting?

    when you say a lower yeild per plant, say a normal yeilfor lowryder cross would be 2-3oz with t5 maby 4 two feet bulbs say blue white and closer to flower with 2 reds would that be good, and do all hps lights need to have a balast? and does it make your electricity go up that much say you had a...
  15. kTOWN.Grown

    another questions bout lighting?

    How would i get a "red" for flowering? are you talking about the color spectrum or a total different bulb? or can any1 recomend a not so pricey light that would be good for the nyc deisel loyryder (joint dr.) and i will be growing max 2 plants at a time limited space so mom cant find it =)...
  16. kTOWN.Grown

    another questions bout lighting?

    If it is from a fish tank, (fish geek) there is a chance of them being t5's (very skinny bulb) which i have, and was woundering if that would be good enough for say 2 low ryder hybrids? i only have 2 bulbs one white the other blue.