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  1. S

    i am a dumb noobie

    thanks for the help it is much thanked for
  2. S

    i am a dumb noobie

    im usally a all dirt grower but i would sure like any sites or any place that will kind of teach me how to set it all up i have no clue where to start
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    Dmoz Cash Money Contest

    just waiting for a message back to tell me that im accepted
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    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    oo and shit i forgot to tell you it was a hermie so much for first grow god damnit so i harvested early and had like an 8th smoked it all for how early it was it was pretty fucking good:bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf:
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    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    well im growing my sprouts under the orange light you see in the pics above but i have no clue if that bad or good so far its going real good still havent found that battery and im pissed off but im getting a new one real soon so tell me is it all good to grow under those lights for how small it...
  6. S

    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    shit i will definalty be checking in on your grow its fucking crazy good luck taking care of all them
  7. S

    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    Here is it the 1st week of flowering its under a difrent light difrent area and better zone outta my house tho! more room and its buds are comming in i dont have pics of my spourts been busy sittin up my new spot plus i lost the battery
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    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    yes i know the pics wich are still coming dont wanna disturb it its in the dark period dont wanna disturb it so pics forsure forsure 2marrwo
  9. S

    sorry guys i need help AGAIN!

    well i googled it and it showed the male part acutally on the bud mine arnt they are right by the vase part that realease the hair do you still think its a hermie:leaf::bigjoint:
  10. S

    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    hey guys i found these little sacks and nowim wondering if its a hemie i mean i see hairs comming out of every node growth please HELP!:leaf: and umm pics are still coming 2night
  11. S

    sorry guys i need help AGAIN!

    okay well today i found these little sacks at the node and now im wondering if its a Hermie i mean there is white hairs growing out of every node growth i see but i aslo see little sacks and its week 3 of flowering
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    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    pics will be uploaded tonight
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    My first sprouts

    yeah ill be hacing a new grow log as soon as my camera is done charging 2marrow but anyways. i hope i can see your plants turn into amazing plants keep me updated
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    My first sprouts

    oo well then you may just wanna get it some more light some how but you definatly should it would help with stem and leave growth
  15. S

    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    well i think i might got it 2 close then im going to move it as soon as possible wich will be in a few mins and well i got another bulb it just glows a light and its BRIGHT as hell and its huge and has a white thing in the middle i got it for free
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    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    thanks man and if i get a pic of the lightbulb will you be able to tell me anything about the light bulb i got 2 i will take a pic of both
  17. S

    My first sprouts

    No man it should be all good i mean it seemslike there just growing but starting to stretch that not all that good if anything u should get a light just any kind perferably Flourescent that will do alright for it
  18. S

    Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think

    Well its week 3 and i got it under a bulb that idk what its called im a newbie but i think its Hps and i need some help the bulb glows orangeand it made my plant shoot up but my buds are finally coming in and look kind of small is there anyway that i could make them increase in size or do they...
  19. S

    Just a crazy shot at cloning

    well i dont think ireally need pics but i took a clone and i just took a cup like a bk joe coffe cup and put the plastic thing on tup and put the stem threw the hole and its just hanging in thewater it hasnt died yet butwill it work and sorry space button is all messed up:leaf:
  20. S

    Too much light?????????

    No i dont think there is ever such a thing called "too much light