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  1. M

    whats the craziest thing you've smoked out of

    well the craziest thing i made was def a hooka outta a water cooler jug and hoses, it was amazing
  2. M

    whats the craziest thing you've smoked out of

    anyone got a good home made device that got you really fucked up, and ppl couldnt believe u made it?
  3. M

    Why do you like to smoke?

    the best body high i got was when i was running on 2 hours of sleep for two days and we smoked alot, it was amazing, it was pure nirvana, it was the best high ever, but i like smoking because it helps me cope with life, and im not one to be lazy when i smoke, i actually do more when im high
  4. M

    do you remember the 1st time ya smoked?

    first time i smoked i was 13 and it was outta my older brothers bread bag(if you dont know what a bread bag is, ask) we filled it up 3 times and my brother kept punching it on my so i'd get a huge hit, i was sooo fucked up i walked into the turkey hill by my house and grabbed a bag of chips and...
  5. M

    anyone try legal bud

    wow vette, cant blve u can judge a person without even talking to them, instead of acting like the tough guy or the king of the keyboard, how about u actually grow up and act like an adult, im sorry that i had to learn how to grow up when i was very young, and had to work all the fucking time...
  6. M

    anyone try legal bud

    def not, i work for my money, ive been working for my money since i was 13, everything i own or bought was outta my pocket, my parents can barely pay for themselves, why should i make them pay for me
  7. M

    anyone try legal bud

    well then i guess i wont be buyin it, thank god for not being able to find my credit card lol
  8. M

    anyone try legal bud

    haha ok, im gettin half an ounce, im putting the order in tonite so by maybe saturday it will be here, ill let ya's know then
  9. M

    anyone try legal bud

    yeah be it cant be that bad man, seriously, its cheap, and u get alot, it has to be ok
  10. M

    anyone try legal bud

    has anyone here tried legal bud, if so what kind and tell me how it was
  11. M

    hidin shit

    yeah dude def dont grow in your parents house, i am at least negotiable with that, i grow out in the middle of no where, or at my friends house since he lives alone,
  12. M

    Rant about jobs and weed

    ok ive been working since i was 12, i have worked in restaurants all my life, without working there i would have never been intrigued by A. food, which i am goin to school for culinary arts or B. weed, ive been smoking for a good 5 years now, it helps me cope with the busy times, and makes me...
  13. M

    Finish the sentence above you!

    sleep with dirty whores tomorrow night im going to......
  14. M

    what gets rid of red eye fast?

    oh blve me ive stolen shit before, nothing huge, just sunglasses, lighters, bracelets, necklaces, so stealin that shouldnt be a problem lol
  15. M

    what gets rid of red eye fast?

    thanks alot seriously, cause i used visine before and they were white for a lil while, then i walked into the mall and went to spencers and by the time i got there they were bright red again, and the ppl workin there knew, and they came up and asked me if i was high, it was a disaster, thank god...
  16. M

    hidin shit

    haha, well it all depends on how your place is layed out, what objects are in your room, and how many "hiding spots" u can find, i have a ceiling that has wooden support beams in it so on top of them is good, in my car, xbox game cases, vcr, all that shit works well, ive been hiding it from my...
  17. M

    What do you guys think?

  18. M

    Marijuana quality

    yeah its very possible, as long as you know what your doing, and u take good care of them, and get the right seeds, kb all the way
  19. M

    the police are really watching you now...

    dude living in alaska would be cool, but it gets fucking cold up there, i think its fucking cold here in pa, but god damn, thats a different breed of cold. i grow bud here, and im fine with that
  20. M

    what gets rid of red eye fast?

    haha yeah right, dont smoke, thats a good joke man, lol