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  1. M

    New setup, tips?

    whats your professional opinion, im simply trying to grow 1 or 2 plants in that thing thats high potency and would last a heavy smoker long enough for new plants to be grown and harvest cause i've been spending waaayy to much money on just smoke and i've always been into horticulture so im...
  2. M

    New setup, tips?

    Here's the top left of the wardrobe, could I just cut a hole and put a desk fan blowing out for heat and do a carbon scrubber for smell? no ducting out the window cause cant have neighbors be smelling my tomatoes but windows open for vent and carbon scrubber to help with smell, and if this would...
  3. M

    New setup, tips?

    In my current setup, which is a rebuilt wardrobe, what would be the easiest way to install intake and exhaust if i were to get a 400w HPS, cause I've found a light system that includes everything inlucuding a sunbeam intake/exhaust fan, but yeah...
  4. M

    New setup, tips?

    Honestly, I think i should just get something like a HPS and cut out the side and install a fresh air intake to keep temperature down too, agree?
  5. M

    New setup, tips?

    In my setup, I can prolly only fit a 8000 lumen T5 set and I'd love to get alot more light
  6. M

    New setup, tips?

    Light getting in during dark phases is not an issue and I already do have a fan in there but as I went and checked on it, there may be a little problem. I was trying to stay away from a HPS light due to the heat issues and having to install a proper way of removing the heat, which is why I was...
  7. M

    New setup, tips?

    Hey guys... I'm kinda noob at this and please disregard the plant currently in there, it was a test project under very low light conditions and was tied over for a while. Down to the point, Me and my Fiance recent built this little grow cabinet and as budget is a big concern, I'm working on...
  8. M

    Dead Leaves

    light is only about 4 inches away from the top of the plant now though since it grew so much so im figureing light burn
  9. M

    Dead Leaves

    high pressure sodium, 12/12 cycles, im broke so just using some 10-30-10 soil, no extra adds with destilled water
  10. M

    Dead Leaves

    Soil, I think maybe it grew to close to the light and a few leaves dried out and got hot, but I'm still a rookey so thats why I'm posting on here =P
  11. M

    Dead Leaves

    I came home from work and my baby looked like this, what do yall think is the cause, and how do i fix it?
  12. M

    Plant wont stay straight.. help =)

    yeah, its a lonely little lucky seed i found in a bag of some of the best herb i've had. I already have a fan in there blowing a light breeze, and what is a natural LST? excuse me, i dunno all of the lingo =P
  13. M

    Plant wont stay straight.. help =)

    Yeah a month since germination but I still feel like shes growing slow too, could be the light issue causing that as well
  14. M

    Plant wont stay straight.. help =)

    If lighting is the issue its probably cause I have her to far from the light, but I have been trying to figure out what to do once its time for flowering, I'm kind of on a budget and am trying to figure out what the best light I can get for general use through the rest of the plants growing stages.
  15. M

    Plant wont stay straight.. help =)

    My little baby is probably about a month old, in a closet setup, have a fan and all but I just cant get my little baby to grow straight, She's always bending all werid, any ideas and help?