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  1. jeffwlmngtn

    Is this a male?

    looks like it to me
  2. jeffwlmngtn

    New DWC grower.

    I'll get a couple of pics taken soon.
  3. jeffwlmngtn

    New DWC grower.

    This is my first dwc season, and I'm in the 4th week of flowering, buds are a little small but looks healthy, My question is I'm having a hard time keeping my ppm's up, reading's are ppm 688..... ec2110 with ph around 5.6, I've giving the ladies a little more nute's i'm using jungle juice for...
  4. jeffwlmngtn


    it went through this time not what I tried to post earlier.
  5. jeffwlmngtn


    why can't I post, every time I try to post for advise it won't let me whats the matter with this site.
  6. jeffwlmngtn

    first grow

    This is my first grow indoors using homemade DWC, starting with seeds, Germination went well, have 4 seedings two days apart should I wait a week before I start nutes. gonna start with jungle juice grow/micro/bloom, at 1/4 dose for the first week and work up to full dose by week 4, I have the...
  7. jeffwlmngtn


    Has anyone here ever tried this Jungle Juice Grow 2-1-6 and Jungle Juice Bloom 0-5-4, and what else would I need, to go along with that to have a successful grow.
  8. jeffwlmngtn


    thanks sunni
  9. jeffwlmngtn


    why has The administrator currently has the arcade disabled. does anyone know.
  10. jeffwlmngtn


  11. jeffwlmngtn

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Not able to see pics.
  12. jeffwlmngtn


    How can I work the acidic levels down in my soil base set up in growing.
  13. jeffwlmngtn

    Newbie here.

    Thanks for the good advise Krypto, the jellybean looks sweet.
  14. jeffwlmngtn

    Newbie here.

    understand the basics, that's obvious ( dirt water light oh and don't forget the seeds right. lmao. guess I stepped into that one, but it's all good humor.
  15. jeffwlmngtn

    Welcome New Members!

    Can't see them, you must have it in private mode for just friends on the site .
  16. jeffwlmngtn

    Newbie here.

    Newbie here on the site, and just starting to learn the growing methods anyone has to share. :joint: