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  1. oneLEETtoker

    seedy buds

    so i have these plants growing outside and ive pulled all the males for awhile now and come to find out there is a big batch of them right across from me in the ally full of males... now i seen that my buds are starting to get seedy ..are they guna be worth anything now?? basically schwagies...
  2. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    dang nice man those look prty sweeeet and thanks ya it is the ballast thing that really does hold me back:(
  3. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    how much bud would there be total in the end u think if i flowered now i was thinkin wait about a month until flower? By the way thanks for all the tips and info everyone :)
  4. oneLEETtoker

    This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

    ...damn thats sick ....way nice..well some of that stuff in this thread anyway
  5. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    nah they were misted with water leaf wax
  6. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    hmm if i flowered now much would it yield thoo ..i was thinkin pry a month ? maby lol
  7. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    that was alot to read lol thank you tho :) i will keep the pics updated
  8. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    idk man alll the hps i find u have to wire it to a power supply type thing i cant remember what u call it ...late night lawl... but yaa i no hps are good but i am going to just stick to the flourescents..they seem to be doing ok just add a few more 200 watt bulbs.. they seem prty good...
  9. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    thanks :) that's great to hear...hmm what do u think they would put out if i started flower in like 2 months
  10. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    u think another month and a half or 2 months would be ok before flowering?..oops sry i shoulda just edited instead of spamming posts
  11. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    ya i no i could decide but i just dont no when a good time is but ya the room thing will work i guess il just decide when i think there big nuff
  12. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    42=200w and 2 21=60w...guna throw a few more of the 42=200 on them
  13. oneLEETtoker

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    i don't no for sure when to flower...some tips would be nice.. thanks :)
  14. oneLEETtoker

    few questions

    ok so i have this plant outside its getting prty nice and big and i was wondering how far i need it from males cuz there are some males down my ally growing by some guys fence,i dont no how contagouse they really are ,i went and looked at them all and there were some males if they were removed...
  15. oneLEETtoker

    just a lil question

    i seem to have a lil problem with one of my plants ...ok so i had to lil guys jumpen out the ground just growen like a champ then one passes it and jsut start leafing like cray i men at this point there stil both lookin prty nice and all but the one that isnt doing just as good as the other is...
  16. oneLEETtoker

    MY plants =)

    i said i would post some pics soon and here they are tell me what u think one is growin alot better then the other
  17. oneLEETtoker

    just a lil question

    lol my dad found them soo i got to take them outside sumwhere now.. lawl but uh will miracle grow really help them any like grow faster
  18. oneLEETtoker

    just a lil question

    Will miracle grow help any?like is it worth it
  19. oneLEETtoker

    just a lil question

    oh there already way poped looool.. there growen nice