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  1. M

    Sober since March 6,2013-Drug test today

    Yes it was a pass, I am happy that drinking all thatwater and taking vitamins paid off in the end had it not worked I would have been pissed!
  2. M

    Sober since March 6,2013-Drug test today

    I passed! It was a cheap test that they used. I believe the coffee and B-vitamins turning my urine yellow was the key too my success. Either way to you folks that had me nervous as hell next ime don't be so quick to assume but I will say thanks too all those that wished me Luck. Now I am...
  3. M

    Sober since March 6,2013-Drug test today

    My test is in 2-3 hours, I have been drinking coffee for the past 30minutes and will do so up until he time of the test. I am hoping this way my urine does not look as if it has been diluted if anyone else has tried this method let me know and once I have completed the test I will post my...
  4. M

    Sober since March 6,2013-Drug test today

    I am 5'10", and weigh 145 pounds I have smoked everyday for the past 7 years and I have a piss test to take today. What are the chances that I will pass since I have been drinking a 1/2-1 gallon of water a day. I only want those opinions of veteran smokers or those that work within the drug...