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    69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!

    To me, 69 days is a fairly long flowering period....from the pics, id say not much longer, like a week. Do you know the strain?
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    Anyone got this?!

    in my opinion, best book you can buy for growing. When i first started, i read that book multiple times over. It has all topics covered. My copy is pretty worn :mrgreen:
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    Any other girl growers out there?

    There should be more girls who grow...most girls never seem to understand this 'hobby', at least where I come from
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    DR CHRONIC IS A SCAM!!!!!! EVERYONe who buys seeds should read this

    I recently ordered from the dr... not very happy. I got 10x fem morning glories, those were great. But the 20x fem diesel ryders were unsatisfactory. Got over 10 males out of 20 seeds. I'm talking full out males, not herms. And yes, I'm very certain they were fems!
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    weed delivery service

    those services do exist in nyc. I'm smoking some right now. You generally get 5 grams for 100. In my opinion, worth the price every once in a while. The bud is the among the best ive smoked(not counting my own :weed:)
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    New DWC

    I read some of that link you supplied... "Once the plant has established a good root system, then it is advisable to lower the level of water in the bucket so that some of the roots can be allowed to hang in the air between the net pot and the water level...
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    New DWC

    I think you do it either way, but it depends on the medium. I dont think you could let an absorbant medium (e.g. Coco coir) just sit in the water. I just keep the water level under the pots, allowing the roots to hang down into the water. I try to keep it very close in the seedling stage, but...
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    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    I'm doing dwc right now...I would say dwc is the way to go for big plants. I grew The Church from ghs and it got fucking huge. The root ball on the thing is heavy as shit. They dont grow quite as fast as aeroponics, but they'll still grow fast as shit in dwc, especially with good air to the...
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    Why wont they germ?

    Hi all, I just started a fresh batch of seeds last week, but I cannot get this certain strain to germ. I know its not the germination method, b/c i had 100% germination on 30 other seeds at the same time (20 diesel ryder, 10 unknown). Just those 5 from that one strain wont go. The only thing I...
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    Is this possible?

    To me, that last comment was extremely dumb. Hydro is a much cleaner, faster, and much more simple method. Growing hydro, in my experience, results in much less complications. If possible, grow hydro.
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    What's The Best From Greenhouse Seeds?

    First post as well, growing The Church right now as first grow...have one large plant 4 weeks in flowering. Its a tough plant that grows with alot of side branching. We underestimated how big it would be...ended up outgrowing our closet with 400w. We now have 800w on it, one mh, one hps, in a...