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  1. H

    Updat on my first grow week 2 of flowering

    Still no sign of sex my plant seem to b pretty healthy and stuff I was wondering if 2 hallow pots were gunna b big enough for the whole grow it and how often should u water your plant a day while flowering because I think my soil is not letting water drain like it should and I think it hold...
  2. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Here's another update there about a week and a half from sprout there doing great I'm using fox farm big grow Nutes and I spray the leaf with plain water at ph 5.8 the humidity is 30% and its 80 in there sum times lower but idk if I should top them or what budding nutes to use I want the most...
  3. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    No its a 400 watt and yes I have an exhaust running thru the reflector and to a filter that blows it out the top cuz heat rises so I just have it a big push lol it's 75 in there now
  4. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    My power cord has a built in trip so just in Case it is it will shut off
  5. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    But I just got the metal halide in there
  6. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    It's been a week from seedlings
  7. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Does this light look ok I got it from a friend don't know what it's is just know its a mh
  8. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    What r some good budding nutes
  9. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Cool man thanks for the info will have to change that
  10. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Landing a space shuttle lol funny shit
  11. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Here r sum more updates let me know if i could change anything or need anything thanks for all th help cant wait to start flowering my baby's lol
  12. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Thanks man awesome tip gunna b doing that when I get off work
  13. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    I need a cheep but good metal halide bulb if u guys could help that would b great thanks
  14. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Ok thanks for the tip for sum reason I didn't think of zip ties lol duh
  15. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Oh and it was 5 days after germination I took picks
  16. H

    First grow take a look opinions

    Hey guys this is my first grow and have done a lot of studying and now im off I was just wondering if my setup could use something or if I'm doing sumthing wrong I want the best stuf and yield and there bag seeds that I found is some supposed to be killer shit it was good jus found seeds but let...
  17. H

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Need a good but not that expensive mh bulb