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    hydro or soil

    hello all. i am wondering if i should go hydro. i have been speaking with someone. they told me that i am not getting the yield i should with soil. that growing hydo is better, for more yield. any response please
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    soil types

    where would i go about purchasing roots organic 007
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    soil types

    grower mix by majestic earth
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    soil types

    I was wondering if i could use the grower mix by majestic earth, or pro mix all purpose growing mix. they are both at menards and cost about $6.50 per bag. i believe cubic ft per bag
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    hermies help

    hello all. i am wondering if you could get hermies from moving plants around every 3 days. i have to move them everytime i water so i can reach the far back plants. could that possibly hermie my plants
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    veg time Jack

    makes since obrienross
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    veg time Jack

    thanks for the reply. i have germ them 2 weeks ago. when do you consider them to be in the veg phase.
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    veg time Jack

    Hello to all. I am a new hobbiest. trying to understand the vegging. can i veg in dixie cups and for how long. i have i 4ft 4 t5 and want to 25 plants for a sog later. can i veg in dixie for the whole time of veg before transplanting into 3 gallon pots??
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    3 1000W or 5 600W?

    I would go with 5x600w. explaination: 3x 1000w=420,000 lumens 5x600=450,000. just saying same amount of watts but more lumens with 600