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  1. L

    Colorado Medical Plant Count Question (Clones)

    Growing for medical reasons allows me the same 6 plant count but affords me a higher weight allowance. 2oz under MMJ and 1 oz under 64. Also a patient can get a doctors rec for increased plant count up to 99 plants. The tricky part is this... (b) For quantities of marijuana in excess of these...
  2. L

    Colorado Medical Plant Count Question (Clones)

    Using logic, which is subject to interpretation, those neoprene cut-outs appear not to be any kind of growing "medium". Also happen to fall under the 2" x 2" size regulation... Just hoping someone has asked this same question at one point in time.
  3. L

    Colorado Medical Plant Count Question (Clones)

    I have roomates which is why i have to be extremely particular with the rules. Even with another roomates plants to grow, I'd more than likely just want to double my whole operation : )
  4. L

    Colorado Medical Plant Count Question (Clones)

    Hi guys, long time reader first time poster. Im about to start a new grow but I have a question that I cant find the answer to anywhere... What Im trying to figure out is how do you grow clones that, according to Colorado State Medical Marijuana Laws, do NOT count towards your plant count...