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  1. O

    Aero garden and guys have to train those plants.or they will train u

    thanks for the info, too bad my computer can't enlarge the thumbnail pic, but my goal is to grow 3 females to completion in the AG without separating the lamp hood from base, so keeping a 24" growing height with a little aux. lighting coming in from the sides with clamps, the hood extension cord...
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    Aero garden and guys have to train those plants.or they will train u

    thanks mass, i'm embarrassed to say I posted that before I even really looked at this site, was overwhelmed by it all, everything I've learned so far is from my boys at the hydro store, as long as we're discreet they love seeing what happens and helping me, for instance the Botanicare nutes they...
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    Aerogarden Snow White / K2

    HOW do you force flowering with the Areo grow?! mine are already 4 weeks and 13" tall, am I tool late? you think the delux upgrade arm with stronger bulbs+24" platform is good enough or still need add more light?
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    A Comprehensive Review of the Aerogarden

    hi, I think I'm responding to Mrintricate? I'm so new at this chat/website thing, but if this is you THANKS so much for that AG info, extremely helpful, I just posted questions and a picture, to who or where I have no idea, was trying to ask "tek" questions, dunno, anyway, I have 2 Ag machines...
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    Aero garden and guys have to train those plants.or they will train u

    hi, i'm in internet moron so I have no idea if i'm posting this in the right place, no idea of the language, what a "thread" is, I mean this is overwhelming, but I'd like to say I have two AG's (I figured out what that means at least!) with the delux upgrade lamp kit, meaning 24" growing...