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  1. S

    LOOK! Genetic defect on Fan Leaf creating sprout, has anyone else seen this before!?

    Yeah I found pH Perfect to work really well back when I first started using it at one location, but then I changed locations (and thus tap water) and so its not very good growth at all currently. I used hose water at the same location I started at, and it read 130 ppm, versus the usual bath tub...
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    LOOK! Genetic defect on Fan Leaf creating sprout, has anyone else seen this before!?

    I was tending to my babies today when I noticed the most trippy thing I've seen, anyone else seen this before? Towards the stem, it looks like almost a sprout of some kind, but with a leaf like you can see in the pictures. I'm gonna post more pictures later, but tell me what the hell that is...
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    Autoflower mixtures?

    Seriously no one can help me out?
  4. S

    Autoflower mixtures?

    As far as nutrient ratios, and adding nutrients, or doing compost teas, or whatever...what would be the best setup for growing an autoflower? I'm a hydroponics guy who hasn't gotten a complete grip on organic soil yet, so it'd be awesome if you guys could help me out, thanks!:leaf:
  5. S

    Pot advocates thoughts on gun control, what do you think?

    I came from a law enforcement family, where I grew up respecting the law and with a mindset against weed. I realized all of the B.S. was never backed up with actual facts, and so I decided to try smoking it. Since then my eyes have been opened to the way the world works in a lot of ways, and...
  6. S

    Women...are they all fishermen?

    Here's some metaphors I made up about women while really baked, back when I used to be able to get high, I found it on a recorded video. So women are like fishermen. Your classy chicks, use a worm and bobber. Classic, simple, and always reliable. Your occasionally slutty chicks use a rooster...
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    Wrapping DWC tote's in Aluminum foil, better than nothing?

    I got these grey totes at walmart for DWC that I thought would be better than some other colored ones, but turns out they suck and algae started growing (first time running into that problem) so I added some H202 and all is good, but I need to light proof it to prevent that from happening again...
  8. S

    What should I do with this grow? Personal Opinons?

    I got serenade, that I sprayed rather too much, and I'm thinking that may have contributed to a lot of the clones not surviving the transplant. The sludge that I poured out of the reservoirs was yellowish-brown btw, if anyone wants to tell me what the hell that might be.
  9. S

    What should I do with this grow? Personal Opinons?

    Basically I switched the water I've been using with my DWC, as well as switching from 5-gallon buckets to 18-gallon totes. I never had algae problems before, but I do now! I thought my reservoirs were light proof enough for it not to matter, but I was wrong. Now I'm in a few dilemmas, I'm...
  10. S

    Plant was devastated by heat jump, none of the rest were affected, should I kill it?

    I altered my ventilation system in my tent, and I forgot to flip the switch on the fan that was supposed to vent the lights, so the temp (with circulating fans) jumped to 90 F for probably about 6 hours, and in that time 1 plant, the 2nd healthiest, was wilted to shit, and it doesn't look like...
  11. S

    Is there anything you can do with bad ISO hash?

    Btw to who asked about what "greensick" is, its what happens with some people, when smoking weed to different degrees. If I take an extremely fat bong rip, I cough and cough, and then puke, just once, and in the moment. I kind of figure I'm not getting all the smoke out in my exhales. But my...
  12. S

    Is there anything you can do with bad ISO hash?

    Yeah I figured that might be a difficulty. Its black, until you smear it or thin it up, it turns amber/yellow. Its potent, I'd probably say at least half as potent as the best BHO i've ever tried, but its impossible to get past the terrible taste.
  13. S

    Is there anything you can do with bad ISO hash?

    When dissolved in alcohol, this stuff turns pretty yellow, doesn't that mean there's hardly any chlorophyll in it? Is there any way for me to buy a BHO setup and turn all this oil into BHO?
  14. S

    Transplanted clones from Soil to DWC, day 3, need help! Underwatered? Overwatered?

    Yeah I think they were shocked pretty severely. The water is PPM'd at 420 (pure coincidence after pouring in a concentrate of nutrients, it came out to 420, how for most of them. The water is not RO, its my garden hose water, but its 120 ppm, and I've never had issues with it...
  15. S

    Transplanted clones from Soil to DWC, day 3, need help! Underwatered? Overwatered?

    So my plants still have yet to see new growth, and they are looking less good everyday. How do I know I don't have dead plants just chilling in a DWC setup, somehow keeping water in them? Its been a week and they've done nothing but regress, should I expect them to come back? Is there anything...
  16. S

    Can't I filter plant matter with bubble bags? Filtering the cannabis oil?

    I want to take some of my bubble bags, and run my vegetable oil with hash oil in it, so I can get some of the bad taste out, but keep the potency. Would this work? And what size bubble bag would be suggested? I have 25, 73, 120, 160, and 220. I'd probably just hold it tight against a funnel...
  17. S

    Is there anything you can do with bad ISO hash?

    Basically I bought an ounce of black-ish ISO hash, which is very potent, at worst, about half as potent as the best bho I've had, but the taste is absolutely terrible, I get greensick everytime, I've taken a hit of it when I place a little on top of a bowl, I tried vaping some and got greensick...
  18. S

    I transplanted some clones I bought into DWC, from soil, can someone help me out?

    I transplanted my clones into my DWC 6" net pot, hydroton filled setup, from soil. I got most of the soil off, but I fear I may have been a little rough in getting some dirt off, maybe. I am using superthrive and weak vegging nutes in the water, and the roots were placed barely in water, then...
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    Transplanted clones from Soil to DWC, day 3, need help! Underwatered? Overwatered?

    Oh okay, I think I understand now. So this is day 3 since transplanting, do you think judging by how they look right now they'll survive? Cause I'm worrying quite a bit. I don't really remember what I did/didn't do last time I transplanted, but 3/3 of the last ones worked out, so hopefully all...
  20. S

    Transplanted clones from Soil to DWC, day 3, need help! Underwatered? Overwatered?

    I don't really understand what you're talking about, any pictures at all? Do you mean I should cover them with a solo cup? Or water them everyday with a solo cup? Cause I'm still wondering if I am over-watering/under-watering. Or with the solo cups do you mean actually bury the clone in the...