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  1. S

    MEASLES any pros please help

    Check your ph? 6-6.5 is ideal. Without knowing, anything else is guesswork.
  2. S

    2 Problems please included

    Closer to 6 is probably better, so I'd start working towards that and see how things go.
  3. S

    pics available!please help

    Nope, I don't.
  4. S

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Noticeably lighter and just before the soil is obviously pulling away from the sides of the pot is generally ideal.
  5. S

    Some Help Please! Pics and Details

    Ouch, dude!! You ain't growin a gold course there.. Tailor your nutes to suit your needs. Higher "N" during veg (but don't go stupid on it), higher "P" during flowering (but don't go stupid on that either, rinse and repeat). Lose the chemical nutes!! Lots of ways to get the nutes you need...
  6. S

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Leaf curling of any sort is an indication of nute problems, be it up or down. The key is, why. Rather than thinking "what can I feed them", try thinking "what's not right". For one, Ph is a real killer. If it's high it'll hit you one way, if it's low it'll hit you another, no matter what you...
  7. S

    2 Problems please included

    You could be into a mineral lock out. Might try dropping the Ph down a tad, say 6-6.5 and see if that helps any. Seems I sort of got beat to the punchline, and since we're more or less in agreement, what he said.
  8. S

    Plant Problem PLEASE HELP ASAP

    Get some "P" in there. Just for the heck of it, add some epsom salts whilte you're at it. I wouldn't spray, just water it in.
  9. S

    MEASLES any pros please help

    Pics would be a real help.
  10. S

    Do plants just "Stop Growing"?... what's going on here?

    Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. But it helps to know what you're looking for. MG is on the "hot" side right out of the bag (high N), so you're best not to even think of adding nitrogen during veg which includes not using any fish emulsion or other "non-burning" nitrogen additives...
  11. S

    pics available!please help

    Nope. Being as you are in the southern latitudes I have to kind of turn my thinking upside down here, so bear with me. Where I am, our summer solstice (longest day of the year) occurs on June 21st give or take a day. At that time of the year we see the height of the brightest sunlight of the...
  12. S

    led christmas grow lights?

    In one string? Don't think so. Those leds would be at most 1/2w each. Count 'em up, divide by 2 and see what you get. Chances are they are stating the equivalent output compared to the old incandescents. Forget the window sill idea too. To get by somewhat on the cheap, you could use...
  13. S

    dark tips, some curl inside over watering?

    Ewww.. What is that so-called soil dude? That looks more like an orchid mix or something. Gonna find it tough to keep your plants happy in that stuff. Get some Scott's potting soil and cut it 50/50 with perlite. Works great at this stage. Give them 2 weeks and transplant into 6 inch pots. You...
  14. S

    pics available!please help

    You're quite welcome. Hard found knowledge it was too! As long as you're seeing a nice dark healthy green, don't worry about it. If you used a decent commercial soil mix, it'll have plenty of food available for your babes. That concerns me. 13 hours a day is borderline flowering time. If that's...
  15. S

    pics available!please help

    My guess is that rinny started out with a decent potting soil or his plants wouldn't have got as far as they have. And then I'd guess he's got over anxious and hit em with a chem fert high in N and torched 'em. If all is good now, I'd just leave and see how things go for the time being...
  16. S

    pics available!please help

    Ok. Unless you see the burn getting worse leave it. Don't fall into the "I need to push ferts" trap. If your plants are a nice healthy green and growing well, leave the rest to nature. You aren't God, and neither am I. Hence, you can't work wonders that aren't intended to be. Pay attention to...
  17. S

    pics available!please help

    Nevermind the lukewarm water deal, that said, don't hit them with cold water either. Room temp is fine. If using tap water, let it stand for 24 hours to help gas off the chlorine, which doesn't help with the ph (acidity) at all. Rain water is always preferable to tap water with since it has...
  18. S

    pics available!please help

    The burned leaf tip would indicate N burn. The yellowing of one of the original 3 finger leaves means nothing really. Hence, leave it alone. As sputniknz said : "When in doubt, do nothing...." Perhaps get it more light. It's pretty small for 6 weeks.
  19. S

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    For one, for the light you have available, your lamp is WAY too far away from your babes. As Uncle Ben points out, you need to concentrate on building a healthy root system first and foremost. Personally, I wouldn't even try to flower plants the size of yours, if you are thinking of doing so...
  20. S

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Uncle Ben, would you by chance be the infamous Uncle Ben from OG? If so, long time no talk! Good to see ya still doing what you do best.