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  1. M

    neighbors calling cops to see my grow!

    What the hell did you do to your neighbor? Your neighbor needs an attitude adjustment... bring them some brownies... either with cyanide or pot...
  2. M

    Odor Control

    I definitely be interested in hearing more about your build; I'm good with my hands and would love some direction. Thanks.
  3. M

    Odor Control

    My filter is connected directly to the intake side of the exhaust inline fan mounted inside the top of the tent; ducting is connected to the output side of the fan to act as a light trap and pipe the hot air away from the tent. carbon filter===========>inline fan=========> exhaust port on...
  4. M

    Odor Control

    1:4 ratio intake cfm to exhaust cfm? If thats the case, I was pushing way to much intake air in... I will probably in the neighborhood of 1:1.75. I'll try further spreading that ratio and see what happens. Thanks a lot for the help, I'll let you know how it works out.
  5. M

    Odor Control

    infdjedi, Thank you for the reply, but I believe I do have enough negative pressure; I state this because the 4" exhaust fan is pulling more air in than the 6" intake fan is pushing. I can visibly see that the sides of the tent are "sucked in". Anyway, I just went ahead and turned up the 4"...
  6. M

    Odor Control

    What up all, This is my first post here and I'd appreciate any opinions / advice any of you can provide from experience. I'm currently using a secret jardin DR90 grow tent with a 4" inline fan pulling exhaust air directly from a carbon filter. I also have a 6" can fan pushing intake air...