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    quetion for all growers

    Chronic or pure
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    How can i check if i have root rot

    They are not yellow leaves mate they are burnt flush them but dont drown them back off on your nuts
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    How can i check if i have root rot

    i cant see the pics but if you have yellow leave it doesnt sound like root rot like faux said its a deficiency, use superthrive it heals most problems, now if your growing in soil and your useing organic feeds DONT ph your water the foods are buffered if your going down the hydro route a ph of...
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    How much longer... pics...

    i would leave her outdoors you will get a better smoke, first i thought you had your lights to height then the penny dropped
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    Biggest idiot in the pot haters world

    he looks like a ex smack head, bet he wears his wifes clothes when she goes out
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    Proper harvest this time. Is it ready? pics!

    just realized bit of late replie
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    Proper harvest this time. Is it ready? pics!

    you still have around 2-3 weeks get your microscope and check on your trichroms once 75% have gone from clear to cloudy then its ready or if you dont have a microscope, when you have 65%-75% brown hairs then its ready dont forget to dry in the dark for 2 weeks then in brown paper bags for at...
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    Pissed on my Plant

    no it might not die if you throw it away and leave it alone to do its own thing........dip shit
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    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    sounds nice ive got pure curing and chronic on the go pure done in 4 weeks and the chron 3 weeks, then im trying g13 any tips on them would be handy.....
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    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    if your carbon filter is letting the smell out of your tent buy a new one, first grow i did was in a tent 1mx1m and it was b52 and durban poison and we are talking smelly plants and a 5" extraction was more than fine you shouldnt worry yourself so hard just cause you can smell it doesnt mean the...
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    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    he hasnt got a drying room i think and hes worried about where he can hang it for the smell..
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    so thats 14 all together if they are standing 2 foot then i would say 3 ounces a plant with the right feeding and of course the required light, all i could say is if the leafs stay drowpy let the soil dry out (dont want to drown your babys), use some superthrive its really good during the early...
  13. T

    Most plants you ever grew?

    82 and that was a nightmare the house we used was haunted (i swear) first we were filling barrels both me and my friend were stood together no one talking when someone said hello right behind us, then when we were trimming my missus was in the house on her own while we pop out and she said she...
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    how many are there....what strain and what you got them in soil or hydro.....they do look like they all need more space its looking cramped and when there in flower its going to be a nightmare to look after....sticky arms every time you go in.....
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    Barney's Farm G13 Haze

    mate you need to change your lights to either a 400 or 600 ballast, change the silver foil for some white on white (will give you more light) a 5 or 6 inch intake/exhaust.....but i must say i envy you for having them in your room, i think i need to invest just got pure and chronic on the...
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    The Seed Boutique

    I wouldnt pay with your cc bud my mate got raided, and soon will find out his fait with the courts and he reckons his brief said the picked up on his card transactions, but bear in mind he did buy everything from seeds to lights, if you do need to buy them with your card see if someone else can...