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  1. I

    Seed starting

    Put it right in the medium you plan on leaving it in, nature will figure everything else out, don't go out wasting money on stupid stuff. Just plant it right in the soil and let nature takes its course.
  2. I

    my plant broke!

    I had the same problem, get a stick and stick it down in beside it and get like a twisty tie and tie it around the stem and the branch or a shoe lace either way and just mist it down and water it pretty well it'll turn out just fine if it wasnt to bad but make sure you do it ASAP.
  3. I

    I WANT seeds from my what is the best route to take?

    Good luck growing in the winter months, I'm an outdoor grower my self and I live in West Virginia, I plant my babies in April or May and pick around October, but best way to get seeds and still have plenty of smokeable bud left is to just keep the male with the female for a while when you start...
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    Casey J.'s "First Grow" journal....

    Good luck, did you germinate them or just pop the seeds right into the pots? I'm not sure what I'm going to do I hear pre-germing them can be really bad, but I normally just pop them right in the pots and set em outside. Good luck though!
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    my first grow cfl

    Good luck man looks nice and healthy,think about transplanting to a 2 or 3gal pot soon like in a week or so to its perm home, you should keep the same medium that you started the plant with though, mg is pretty good I had a lot of luck with it on my first grow I planted last week I had 4 plants.
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    when in flower can you move the plant out of the closet into shower to water them?

    Woah man.. your way over watering your plants that way, i'd suggest not doing that it'll drown the roots and your plants will die, get some buckets or plates and put them under your pots and put the pots in buckets for the run off and then just empty it as needed thats pretty easy and a lot...
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    Can someone help me with my first outdoor plant??

    Man it's that big and hasn't flowered yet? I can't even tell if thats a female or a male.
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    look at this---

    Wow! Very beautiful man especially that purple one lookin' good keep it up
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    First timer just for fun

    I'd say from him lol.
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    is it male or female or herm? please help!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats a boy, that sucks man.
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    Don't let this happen to you!

    Lesson learned my friend, hope everything turns out ok! I'm sure your lady will be just fine though its good you caught it when you did.
  12. I

    Seed Storeage

    Thanks, they're in an airtight container I might add some rice and stick them in the bottom of my fridge. I just wasn't sure if it would ruin them or hurt the cell structure from the cold, thanks for the advice man I'm pretty nooby and only had my first grow last may I planted them when I still...
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    Seed Storeage

    Hey guys, I just cut down my outdoor plants because my neighbors were getting snoopy and I left a male around them for a little while so they would get a few seeds on them right now I just have them in a plastic container with a lid on it in the top of my closest in my room, but what's the best...
  14. I

    First grow, wouldn't mind a little feedback.

    It looks like a female, but just incase its not very hard to tell if you see little like sack/pod things then its a male, but if you see white hairs starting to form its a female, also looks really good, I heard cutting the top is good to let branch out. I planted some last may and strong winds...
  15. I

    First inside grow.... Week no. 6

    What kind of soil are you using?
  16. I

    First Grow ever, First *BREED* ever, Need guidance and advice

    Lol, listen the best way to do it ive found out is keep the male and females together for about 2 or 3 weeks when they start flowering and check out the male plant to see when the pollen sacks start to open up and then move the male into another room or throw him far away from the female, when...