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  1. S

    girl scout cookies

    Forum day 51
  2. S

    girl scout cookies

    ThanksMil Frostiest plant iv grown..shes gunna go the full 9wks.
  3. S

    girl scout cookies

    GSC 42 days in..18 days veg 3gallons in dirt.
  4. S

    Real Skywalker OG cut

    Progressive options
  5. S

    girl scout cookies

    Yeah MOs thin mint is just a weak S1 or bagseed. Anyone who has the original thin mints can make S1s. Who wants a s1 anyways? Were looking for the original lol. And yes Its out there now. The "forum" cutt is the thin mint cutt. Cuz icmag was the firt forum to run her. Theres animal...
  6. S

    girl scout cookies

    I wouldnt say much either dude Cuz iv seem ur mouth fly off in this forum too. So How about we say it was a misunderstanding.
  7. S

    girl scout cookies

    Right, thjs is coming from the same guy, who said WiFi is garbage yet you havent even had her in ur room.? Never said my was legit. I said i was 90% sure. You can find mo's cut, imedz, or any another s1 or bagseed and compare it to tbe forum cutt and see the uniqeness of her. Its whored out now...
  8. S

    girl scout cookies

    My cutt of GSC-thin mints. My friend told me he paid 1k for 6 teens in Sf his buddy. And said they are getting it for 44 from this cutt. And i beileve him. He counts on his reputation. Its just dumb when someone says they have a cookie cutt and dont even post pics. Not even a lab link...
  9. S

    girl scout cookies

    Never said it was fake genius. Jusy said if he had a different pheno that he WAS calling it the "thin mint". That he should take a pic of it. This is the Internet. Show ur cutt Please id like to see it too. Since you know so much about GSC. Your post should be deleted Cuz all ur doing...
  10. S

    girl scout cookies

    But thats not the point dan, im not trying to dickish. I didnt get mine from a club either, i got mine from a friend/clone vendor in Socal. Im 90% sure Its the forum cutt and the 10% is me waiting to flower 18 of her next month. Like i said, pics help. So your saying urs is diff from...
  11. S

    girl scout cookies

    I know that. But there are fakes. But thought this was a thread to compare n contrast and help thin out the fakes and maybe even see what an outdoor cookies thats being tested at 28% Thc. Or is it just a place to show off what other ppl got and not what others have.
  12. S

    girl scout cookies

    Pics help a whole lot too.
  13. S

    girl scout cookies

    unlikely to what dan? That you have a different thin mint cut? Or that me n brah dont have ur cutt?
  14. S

    girl scout cookies

    Pretty sure dan has the "forum" cut. Same as i have n you brah.
  15. S

    girl scout cookies

    This arguement is pretty moot anyways since we BOTH have not even grew her out yet. But theres tons of journals that show she a well keeper in the garden. And i very Well Would knock a few off thst list for the WiFi. But i wouldnt Call them dogshit. Or just a random strain. Deadhead...
  16. S

    girl scout cookies

    Im sure they have good gentics but alot of people where im at always have a good wifi in their garden. And before the cookies WiFi was all the ragged and not alot bad reviews like swerve got When the auto accident happened yhat year. Its not the best OG...but its gots some decent yeild from...
  17. S

    girl scout cookies

    Iv never grew her myself, she has.not.yet the rotation. But a couple locals have found good phenos in their pack. And decent yeilders. The flavor mostly comes from the fire oG. Cuz i love the taste of that oG cut specially. And yes you heard me.right, oG raskal has them as FEM seeds...
  18. S

    girl scout cookies

    Post some pics Dan, i want to.see this WiFi thst you think is.dogshit. the clone only fire oG x the may not be special but "dog shit" is a lil harsh. What pheno do you have?
  19. S

    girl scout cookies

    The other forums say the circle who made GSC is not forums friendly so Its possible they keeping changing lineages. At this point, my brain hurts and im done with research of GSC lol.
  20. S

    Harborisde Oakland Cherry Pie Has BALLS!

    Yeah i remeber reading something about how they were switching up GSC clones. And dan heard them. If cherry pie tends to herm, perhaps someone sold cutts that were grown from bagseed CP to HS. Iv seen some grows that had bad light leaks and none of the plants hermed. Just never really ended...