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  1. J

    Who Here Love (((((((((((UFC))))))))))))

    I like WEC a lot better... UFC charges $50 on pay per view and they only have 1-2 known fighters on each pay per view event. WEC is free on VS and the fighters are every bit as good as UFC. Too bad UFC 'aquired' WEC. Leave it to that mellonheaded idiot dana to ruin a good thing.
  2. J


    What in the world is going on here? I think every post on this thread has been in response to some random nonexistant question that relates nothing to LEDs.
  3. J

    Infrared Detection- getting busted

    Whos a cop? Assraper, right?
  4. J

    Infrared Detection- getting busted

    Wow, that is the stupidest thing ive ever seen. Yeah, no one should be arrested. We need more pedophiles, rapists and murderers on the streets! FREE THE RAPISTS! Idiot.
  5. J

    Infrared Detection- getting busted

    I think assrubber... I mean rabbi? Is the cop. Im not sure. Ender is right, and assraper is wrong to insult paramedics, they saved my brother, and are anything but cops... Im going to agree with ender. Lol, MURSE reminds me of Gaylord Focker on meet the parents. That is a womans job. Oh well.
  6. J

    big bang & magic bud

    Those look really nice. Growin some bang myself, germing the seed right now. What lighting are you using? And who is "US"? Makes me think there may be a room full of techno narcs sitting their with you waiting for some unknowing grower to type something like "Growin some bang myself." so...
  7. J

    Question about HPS- HID - MH

    Cool, thanks alot guys...I ordered a rad 400w HPS set up and a MH Conversion bulb. I have a really small space, but I am going to grow 4 plants at a time in it cause i have really great venting and whatnot. Should be light overkill in that tiny space. Good venting up into the attic and into the...
  8. J

    Considering buying a grow room...

    I want to hold your hand. I want to hold everyones hand.
  9. J

    How much heat do HPS lights produce

    How much heat do HPS and MH throw out? Im specifically looking into 600 and 1000 watt systems... thanks!
  10. J

    Question about HPS- HID - MH

    This has probably already been asked 20 times, but i couldnt find a thread on it... What exactly do I need to run a HPS light? Just the Ballast? Like this or is there other stuff as well? also... can you veg with HPS or is it too much...
  11. J

    Guys any body have experience with legal bud?

    oh, by the way... post the results of your 'legal bud' on here! I really love to hear when everyone else wastes money too. Makes me feel less dumb for doing it. (ONCE)
  12. J

    Guys any body have experience with legal bud?

    The legal bud is made from catnip and wild lettuce. It smells like catnip. It tastes like roadkill and it will not get you high at all. AT ALL. itll burn your throat and thats it. A total scam. buy catnip and some iceburg lettuce and smoke it. no good in my opinion. Didnt do...
  13. J

    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    sorry for getting a bit hostile on here...I try to keep everything friendly as we are all here to help eachother... but holy moley, something hit a nerve when i got called a stupid mofo or whatever... Im going to have to call it quits with this thread and On3timeonly... I dont think english is...
  14. J

    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    Whats with all the retards on this thread? Dont fucking ask questions if youre going to be a stupid ass and attack people who answer... specially when youre wrong. fuck head.
  15. J

    Best online Headshops!?

    Hey guys, what are the best online head shops? Im looking for a Buddha bong... or else some kind of big totally rad colored glass one.:peace:
  16. J

    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    BTW... what size pots do you have your babies in? Maybe theyre pot-bound?
  17. J

    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    buy a light meter... oh lord master of pot. And then maybe you can type in english and not insult other members... Got it, big guy?
  18. J

    My salvia 10x trip

    i smoked a shitload of 20x and it didnt do anything except burn my throat. Im calling bullshit on all salvia.
  19. J

    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    if you have eight 2700 lumen lights... then you have 2700 lumens total. They dont add.