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  1. O

    Whats your opinion on immigration??

    Dude i never used a different name on this site! I just don't like know it all's like yourself, and Im no where near a pussy! I just dont like you because you think you know everything...
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    Whats your opinion on immigration??

    Where is the benifit? Do you mean for the wealthy that hire them? There is no benifit to our economy by them using the welfare system to live here while sending their pay to mexico every week! Our ancesstors were all immigrants, but my ancesstors did'nt climb a fence to get here and they were'nt...
  3. O

    Whats your opinion on immigration??

    Uncle buck... Winter Woman gave corect statistics with web sites to back up what she said! I think you are just a troll and maybe even an Illegal yourself! UB your post 195 is complete bullshit! There are lots of americans that cant find work because of illegal's.. The illegalls work for cheap...
  4. O

    Whats your opinion on immigration??

    I think alot of people that posted in this thread have no clue to the problems that illegalls are causing in this country! They are having children in this country that we pay for thru our taxes they get free medical and food stamps they arent paying income taxes and they are taking work away...
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    The Weed Nerd~

    :wall: When I said it did'nt pop,I meant the seed did not open! I have been starting my beans the same way for many years! Soak in warm water over night, then put seeds into paper towel inside ziplock baggie,sit bagie on top of seed sprouting mat set on low temp with a small hand towel folded...
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    The Weed Nerd~

    Sub..I sent you 2 emails about poor germination rate with a 5 pack of qrazytrain, 2 seeds germed out of 5! I bought the seeds from the tude and sent 3 emails to them about it and 2 emails to you,did'nt receive a return email from them or you! I also started querkle10 pack and 8 poped! I germed 5...
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    Obama's second term

    Amen Brother! I could'nt have said it better myself!
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    Obama's second term

    Romney is not the answer,but Obummer is a liar! He said he would stop the raids on medical marijuana! He told the black's he would make life better for them! There have been all kinds of raids since he took office and he has;nt done a damn thing for the black's.. He is a liar! He has'nt done a...
  9. O

    is tga gear the most grow on this fourm?

    I bought a 5 pack of qrazytrain from the attitude in feb and only got 2 of them to pop! Sent an email to sub @ his tga genitics store site and the tude about it with no reply from either of them! Not so sure about the good business man statement! I thought the customer was always right? 55$ for...