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  1. nibblebit

    What type of light you use has ABSOLUTELY ZERO effect on your weed's potency....

    Hi :) I am on my sixth grow using a 250W Red CFL (plug and grow, ten inch tubes giving 19,500 lumens). I grow four autofem plants, each in a 2L (half gallon) pot, using organic soil and nutes. My first few grows were crap but my fourth and fifth netted me four ounces so i now have a working...
  2. nibblebit

    Marijuana Potency way too low

    I have the same problem, i get 4oz using a high quality 250W flowering CFL all the way through but lack of potency, my setup details and pictures are here :
  3. nibblebit

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    I know this is an old thread but i grow with CFL (autos only) and get good results. I have just started my 6th grow. Grow number 4 was 4 x DP StarRyder, using 2L pots and organic compost/nutes. The CFL i use is a Plug and Grow, 250 watts (real power use 190-200), red spectrum, 19,500 lumens...
  4. nibblebit

    CFL Watt to Gram Ratio

    It means that you are 'bumping' the topic to the top of the recent topics list by replying to it, so that it doesn't die and gets seen. I remember when i didn't know what it meant, i didn't ask for ages took me w while to figure :)
  5. nibblebit

    Afghan Kush Ryder (AKR) 300w CFL's (Second Grow)

    Also, AKR's are quite hungry for the grow nutes. All the best, nibblebit.
  6. nibblebit

    1250 Watt 4x4 Hydro ScrOG Dutch Passion- Think Different Auto

    Wow Tav that is just such a beautiful sight :) Nice one, excellent grow :) nibs.
  7. nibblebit

    CFL Watt to Gram Ratio

    Good result.
  8. nibblebit

    CFL Watt to Gram Ratio

    A handy thread. I am using a 250W CFL and am on my 3rd grow. My first grow was a big cockup, i got 11g = 11/250 = 0.044 gpw. My second grow was a standard cockup and i got 45g = 45/250 = 0.18 gpw This grow i am aiming for no cockups and 56g = 56/250 = 0.224 gpw. I am aiming to run a...
  9. nibblebit

    1250 Watt 4x4 Hydro ScrOG Dutch Passion- Think Different Auto

    Looks like a good plan, i think you're right about the extra cooltube. How much does electricity cost per kw hour for you ? nibs.
  10. nibblebit

    1250 Watt 4x4 Hydro ScrOG Dutch Passion- Think Different Auto

    What makes you say that ? nibs ;+}
  11. nibblebit

    1250 Watt 4x4 Hydro ScrOG Dutch Passion- Think Different Auto

    Looking lush :) They will be some phat heads in 4 weeks time, good growing :)
  12. nibblebit

    1250 Watt 4x4 Hydro ScrOG Dutch Passion- Think Different Auto

    Nice scrogging pal, you will def get your pound :)
  13. nibblebit

    Afghan Kush Ryder (AKR) 300w CFL's (Second Grow)

    Hi. My AKR is an auto/femmed. This was her at ten days : This was her at 22 days : This at 31 days : This was her yesterday at 48 days : Sorry if bud shots are out of focus i'm having trouble with my camera and close-up shots. I bought her because the growbox i made is only 2x2x3...
  14. nibblebit

    BOOM you've been Assassinated! Short Stuff Auto Assassin 150HPS/CFL's

    Nice grow diary, thanks for sharing. I am growing an AA at the moment and she is showing the exact same symptoms you got on the taller one, the last pic is the AA on the right and an auto Kush ryder on the left : I am feeding her on pure water for a few feeds until this clears up. Cheers...
  15. nibblebit

    Flood and drain tutorial info

    Haha, lol :)
  16. nibblebit

    Flood and drain tutorial info

    Thanks for that Fletch, i love your avatar :)
  17. nibblebit

    Hello from Londinium !!!

    A UK thread, nice one. Hi welshy, i love wales, used to camp in brecon beacons every year -great memories.
  18. nibblebit

    Https ?

    Hi, how about allowing users to connect to the site via HTTPS, just for added security from nosey ISP's ?
  19. nibblebit

    Hello from Londinium !!!

    Londinium is the original (Roman) name of London, UK. I'm a first-time grower, i'm growing it for medical use (getting of Prozac !) and i've joined a few forums so that i get lots of viewpoints, even though that can be confusing at times.