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  1. BigLurch420

    Mongloid plant

    I'm not asking if its fucking steched, g_damn
  2. BigLurch420

    Mongloid plant

    Hey guy's. I don't know if anyone remembers me But I made a few posts when they were younger. 2 of them got ripped apart and this is the one we though had no hope. I don't know if it's a male or female but Just wondering some more knowledgeable people than me, It's pre flowering.. I'm pretty...
  3. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    Yeah I just replanted them in good soil, Not sure witch one it's outside atm, but now they're kind of sagging. And I think im going to use fish guts lol idk what else to do pretty much all I could get my hands on, but thank you man :) actually, free of charge ;P yeah, we've had a lot of...
  4. BigLurch420


    hey, I was wondering if I could use Miracid to feed my plants? and maybe how much?
  5. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    Lol yeah I'm going to panhandle :P, I planted them on the 3rd and 4th. lol sad :( But someone is giving me some nutes tomorrow I just need to know how much I should. I'm going to look around the forums
  6. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    Just a shitty ass one, not too sure wich exact one. But it's very shitty lol, and I have no clue what Im hoping for, Im mostly doing this for exp. and learning, I LOVE watching them grow
  7. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    and yes, They maybe be lacking light, Chances are.. they are lol sorry dbl post
  8. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    Yeah this is the best I caN do lol, No money, Just a shitty setup, But I'm trying the is only my 3rd and best one. But Thank's for the reply's :)
  9. BigLurch420

    how they look update

    Just a quick update of my noob grow :P how do they look? :)
  10. BigLurch420

    How do they look?

    Thank's I'll probably do that when i'm going to move them out, and thank you everyone :)
  11. BigLurch420

    How do they look?

    Yeah, they're stretched like a mofo but thank's, And yeah I know I got a while to go but just makin sure things are right. :) thank's for the replys
  12. BigLurch420

    How do they look?

    Hey guy's. First off I want to say I am trying my best, still learning. And my set up is Mickey mouse, so don't ask please :) I just want to know what you guy's think. They are very stretched But looking good ( to me ) I have 3 inside, I plan on moving them outdoors when it warms up a bit more...
  13. BigLurch420


    thank you guy's, yeah it sure is
  14. BigLurch420

    No recourses

    Yeah, I'll try that, what curious2garden said, then I can get some cheap stuff thank you for replying :) Yeah, I can try to sell the few things I have that are worth something, thank you for your reply man :) yeah it is desperate, don't see how it's funny, guess your fortunate enough to have...
  15. BigLurch420


    Hey everyone I'm Big Lurch, I'm from vancouver, got no family, no money, nothing. My life is a joke but who's isn't at a point in life. Any ways Hello to all :) :joint:
  16. BigLurch420

    No recourses

    Hey everyone, My first post. So I was just wondering I got NO money, I got nothing anymore. At this point I am desperate so I was just wondering I have a lot of unknown kush seeds, seeing I have nothing Could I just throw the seeds in some pots and let mother nature do the rest? Or is there any...