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  1. L

    Are listed yields wet or dry?

    Im a little nervous, attitude has many strains that harvest between 200-500 gr/m2 but I just learned about the dramatic weight loss program your buds go through during the curing/drying process. So im wondering are Attitudes listed yields wet or dry???
  2. L

    Does Isc New York (Usps) Mean It Got Past Customs?

    ^ Yepp, mine were in ISC over the weekend ad yesterday but today they moved to a different part of NY so im assuming the will ship to meh soon, expecting them by the end of the week! :D
  3. L

    Grow bags in the ground?

    Im moving come summer most likely and also the seeds I bought have yields of 70-100g outdoors and 400g outdoors, hopefully their time spent indoors will rub off for a bigger yield. But yeah, im going auto because of the time limit. Now is the best time, I wouldnt be moving FAR but ill be about a...
  4. L

    Grow bags in the ground?

    They wont even be in the bag for more than 1-1.5 months... and I remember watching a Jorge Cervantes video where he said the rule of thumb is a gallon for each month the plant will be in the soil so I feel like 5gal is great. Ive already researched this and found plenty of OUTDOOR grows in...
  5. L

    Grow bags in the ground?

    I want to keep them in pots in the ground for protection from wildlife, it will be an outside guerilla grow. After exploring the area thoroughly I saw 2 foxes and LOTS of holes that appeared to be made by mice & moles or something underground. I don't want them just boring holes through my roots...
  6. L

    Grow bags in the ground?

    So I want to do a mixed indoor outdoor grow. Indoors for the first 2-3 weeks of life, and after that grow them outdoors. My question is, i've heard people putting 5 gal buckets with drainage holes or no bottom in the ground, but I recently thought about how much cheaper/transportable to the grow...
  7. L

    Kwh Calculator, not a chart!

    Hi, I know there already is one atop the indoor forums but it's not automatic and requires simple but actual math. Im sooooo lazy so I found this online, edited it and even added a per month cost. So you can use it offline anytime anywhere. Its very simple and it works! Great for determining how...
  8. L

    Young lady is wilting to crisp!

    Well I watered it alot today, the soil was BONE dry. I turned the pot upside down like i've seen the people transplant on youtube and after a light pat to the bottom, the whole thing slid out without crumbling X_X so I watered. It was really light-weight like you said so I hope I did the right...
  9. L

    Young lady is wilting to crisp!

    Thanks everyone, I usually mist now instead of pouring water because when it was young the water knocked it over and it needed a post for a week. The soil seems pretty dry and like I said i suspected over watering so my waterings havn't been heavy. Yeah I can see why the soil is bad to...
  10. L

    Young lady is wilting to crisp!

    This is not a serious grow, but a tester to not mess up later with my good stuff (ordered 10 feminized autoflowering seeds today :D ) I checked the plant hospital and im not sure exactly whats happening and none of the pictures really match mine. Im at day 21, older leaves have been wilting...