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  1. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    Do you think it could be possible that there is too much nitrogen in the soil? I have never used nutrients though, but that fits aswell
  2. sinclairdankton

    Water question

    You can basically water any time.. Think about it, cannabis naturally grows outside, it rains at night. Just make sure the temps aren't low at night. And when it comes to water temp, nothing cold or nothing incredibly warm, so room temp. With the IR problem, I couldn't answer that.
  3. sinclairdankton

    My leaves are droopy and sad...why?

    Check light distance, put your hand above the top of the plants palm up, if your palm starts to get uncomfortably hot after a while then your lights are too close. Other than that, to me it looks like over-watering, don't water so frequently. If you haven't, check the top 3 inches of your soil...
  4. sinclairdankton

    beginners question

    Use flouro's that are in the blue range (daylight) so 6500k. Can be tubes or CFLs, depending on how many seedlings.. If you are using 23w CFLs, I would say two per seedling, and keep them CLOSE, a good 2-3 inches away from them, CFLs don't get too hot.
  5. sinclairdankton

    well when i finally start my first grow...

    I am still in my first grow, and this is what I would recommend. Grow either 2 or 3 , but get prepared for it. Make sure you have good lighting for them. Also, make sure that you have a pH control kit, obvious must. I would say grow them, at least two and save the other seeds, just to get the...
  6. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    Yes, that would be awesome if that is the easy fix. I will water today and let everyone know how they respond
  7. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    I do not think its over-watering, the leaves have a dry feeling to them. When I had an over-watering problem, the leaves weren't dry like they are. I will bump up the amount of water to about a gallon just to see what happens
  8. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    Well, if the frequency of watering was increased, I would start over-watering. Before I started flowering, I was having over-watering issues because I was watering every 3 days, and I find that about 4-5 days seems to be the sweet spot. both pots are 5 gallons.. And no the plants are not LST'd...
  9. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    Sorry about the lack of information. I water with 2 liters of water, about every 4-5 days, that is how long it takes for the top of the soil to become dry. Water is always pH corrected to 6.5, no nutrients, 80*Farenheit during the day, 70 at night, not sure on the humidity in the room, but im...
  10. sinclairdankton

    Leaves starting to roll down

    I have two plants that just rolled into week 3 of flowering. Some of the leaves are starting to curl down, and they feel dry and rough. One of the plants had about 5 big fan leaves die and fall off from the bottom. The plants have never been flushed. Any ideas? Here are some pictures: Other...
  11. sinclairdankton

    Confirmation of A Male

    Thanks everyone :D this one is ending up in the trash
  12. sinclairdankton

    Confirmation of A Male

    Here is another picture aswell, sorry for my camera being so blurry.. These are also just under two weeks into flowering.
  13. sinclairdankton

    Confirmation of A Male

    I think I may have a male, this is a picture of the culprit: My other two plants, I believe are females, they both look like this: If you need more pictures, just let me know. I am about to chop this plant up and discard of it. Thanks
  14. sinclairdankton

    Gnat problem?

    I just bought mosquito dunks, I couldn't find any diatomaceous earth locally. When I use mosquito dunks, would there be a need to flush a couple days later? also for those who are saying I am over watering, are you referring to frequency, or the amount? I last watered on Sunday, but the last...
  15. sinclairdankton

    Gnat problem?

    I am more than likely just going to go with Diatomaceous Earth.. Its basically considered the nuclear bomb to gnats, so i hear
  16. sinclairdankton

    Gnat problem?

    Sorry for the double post, but this is one question I cannot seem to find a strait answer on. If I were to sprinkle D. earth on the soil, would I be able to water right on top of it? I heard D. Earth tends to turn clay like after getting wet then drying
  17. sinclairdankton

    Gnat problem?

    If I am going to take care of the gnats, most likely just going to go with D. Earth. I last watered them last monday, and the soil started to feel a little dry yesterday, so I decided to water today. I am watering with about 2L of water in 5 gal. pots I didnt go with nutes because of money...
  18. sinclairdankton

    Gnat problem?

    I think I may have some gnats. I have three plants coming up on 5 weeks vegging under 250w HPS, Roots organic soil, no nutes, water at a pH of 6.5 .. Room temp is also at 80 degrees, and the tops of the leaves are at 73. And I have noticed a few gnats flying around. All of the tips at the ends...
  19. sinclairdankton

    First attempt at growing

    Update! with problems and pictures from a better camera! Ok, so a couple things. First of all, I have moved the plants to 5 gal. pots, they are growing and loving it. Secondly, I finally bought a pH kit, should have definitely done that before I started this, but now I did. The water I was...
  20. sinclairdankton

    First attempt at growing

    Update! My plants are getting a little bigger (: Today they are going to be transplanted to 5 gallon pots. I am having one small problem though, the leaves are curling up. I checked to make sure the lights weren't too close. The only thing I could think of, is the humidity may be low. The room...