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  1. Sirius

    Anyone in OHIO

    Lima Area here.
  2. Sirius

    Another Mind Bender-What Are Thoughts Made Of?

    Consciousness is capable of making its own reality, and different states can be achieved through manners of meditation, music, and psychedelics. Shamanism is a great example of this. As for what consciousness is physically made of, I would have to say electrons pumped in bursts through the...
  3. Sirius


    Lol, I agree. And it may seem like I have a problem with science and I do, lol. Science doesn't need to prove the existence of a bigfoot, but disprove it. Doing this increases knowledge of a particular subject, and that is what science is about, knowledge. Scientist aren't going to learn...
  4. Sirius


    I am not convinced, and it is not solid evidence but it is evidence of something none the less. Also that is why I say science is biased in the matter of bigfoot and other phenomena because unless you basicly have a body it does not exist until it is physically found. This is an ignorant way...
  5. Sirius


    What do you consider evidence then? Most of the above items if found at a crime scene could send a person to prison for life, but somehow they bear little weight in a investigation into a massive country wide sighting of creature known as Bigfoot. I feel that little more than a body would...
  6. Sirius

    What Your Dreams Mean?..

    No, I didnt mean it like that. I have never been able to control the subject I dream about or place, but once im in the dream its like I can tell my self in the dream how to control what I do in the dream. Its not like im just watching the dream happen, my actions that I am controlling in...
  7. Sirius


    I agree, what bigfoot actually is, is very debatable, but yes, there has to be something to it. Even if bigfoot turned out to be not real and was proven a figment of our imagination, the fact that hundreds of people claimed to have seen the same thing is something that needs to be carefully...
  8. Sirius


    Bigfoot is prolly real. Most legends/myths have some truth to them, and with the evidence over the years that has been collected they are almost certainly real. Hair, footprints, video footage, still photography and the such have all been taken. The evidence is overwhelming that something...
  9. Sirius

    What Your Dreams Mean?..

    lol, dude I think fuckin your dad is a nightmare not a dream, at least I hope not. But yes, I have been in a dream and was able to control what I did in the dream. I noticed that whatever I did other people in the dream would just go along with it.