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  1. S

    Where's everone from?

    Kitty, One or both of your parents must be military. Anyway, glad you had a good time.
  2. S

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Dave Matthews Band (Jimi Thing is all about weed), O.A.R. Saw them together at the Gorge. Awesome show. The Gorge is amazing to se a concert at.
  3. S

    So why do we care who grows?

    Well said Panhead. I know I did some pretty stupid stuff when I was growing up and lived at home the parents and that was a long time ago. I'm pretty sure that kids havn't gotten any smarter or more responsible. This thread should probably be moved into the toke n' talk forum, as we have...
  4. S

    So why do we care who grows?

    Unfortunately, in our current society it has become all about liability. In order for us to enjoy the web site and the company of people who have the same interests there are certain safeguards that have to be put in place, and one is to raise the question of age and who is a minor, and put the...
  5. S

    Calendar Pictures

    How bout a calendar for the ladies? Here I am in my latest swimwear. I look a lot like John Mayer, don't I? LOL
  6. S

    Where's everone from?

    Trying to stay out of the rain in Portland. Just joined a couple days ago. Great site. Thanks to everyone in advance. Trying my first grow and I am sure I will have a bunch of questions. Kitty, you're quite the world traveler. Amsterdam and Australia. Needless to say I am jealous. A friend and...