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  1. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    espoma? never heard of that ill look into it thank u =]
  2. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    i give them water every 3-4days lol
  3. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    if i may hoss ask u under what conditions are u alowed to grow up to 4 plants? do u need a medical card or something or is that just what the state law is for all persons there? and if i may ask what state is alowing this?
  4. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    ty ;] and i appretiate it, just tryin stuff out and tryin to fix mistakes for the next grow =] thx again!
  5. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    oh nice so ur saying i can do 50/50 peetmoss and perlite? that the first time i heard that and right now im useing a very off brand called "splenda gro" next one i wont waste my time and get some fox farm soil cuz "soposibly" its the best soil for marijuana but a noob here...
  6. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    lol thx guys appretiate the help =]
  7. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    i would like to here what ur sayin u make ur self sound like u know what should be done, and that would prob narrow down what i would be happy with using =]
  8. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    =o thanks for tellin me and ya im a noob grower iv done alot of research and stuff and always had a pashion for bein a gardener with out u tellin me what u did i think i would have been fucked in a sticky situation and totaly fucked my self on some plants, im gona go for the perlite and worm...
  9. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    ya i bought some flora clean not to long ago and gave it a good flush but i think i might do it again here in a day or so just incase its not totaly flushed clean, we will see what the verdict is =]
  10. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    wow guys i love the input its really makin me kinda know what i should get and want to get at this point, i appretiate all the input =] keep it comin every post helps me in a big way, {and of course helps others} thank you guy's!
  11. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    ya about the lights........there 2 65w plant light {blue tint} im tryin to get a 150w hps or a 400w hps/hm atm
  12. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    ok so hps/mh it is then? should i do a 400w that has hm/hps or the 150w hps? {it cant use mh kinda a downer..} and remember i have 1 plant at a time and its in a 4x3x3 space
  13. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    i thought bout bat guano and i been wanting to i just might do that thx, any more recomendations?
  14. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

  15. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

  16. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    lol not that kinda nitrogenlol..... the shit u mix wit water and spray around ur plants, and i been givin it genhydro nut's in my soil plant it's workin but i think i need a lil more somethin
  17. K

    liquid nitrogen??????

    ok so im looking to get some nitrogen for my plant, what and where can i get it and whats better t use?
  18. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    i have reserched all of them i just dont know what to choose so i figure ask local growers what they think and recomend
  19. K

    help! whats wrong i got pics!

    not quite sure i dont have a soil ph test =/, and ya it continued after, i flushed wit flora clean today maybe its the salt build up so it cant get anything threw the roots cuz its all blocked from salt?
  20. K

    l.e.d. lighting...?

    anyone? =[