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  1. grisherman

    Spots on leaves, some sort of deficiency. Anybody know what it is? PICS

    Tabs.. for sure. My first guess was mites but if you sear you see none.. Tabs. -Grish
  2. grisherman

    What is wrong with my lights?

    500 Watts? LOL
  3. grisherman

    please help think spider mite

    Spider mites for sure. THose motherfuckers.. I can rant for days about those sons a bitches. If there is one thing I've learned -- FUCK MITES. SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY and SPRAY MORE. At this point I would highly suggest "Mighty Wash" .. will not eradicate your mites but it will definitely keep them...
  4. grisherman

    My first grow i think one is showing signs of preflower isit Male or Female?

    Actually looks like nute burn. I see some overwatering as well. Calm down on the nutes and let your medium dry a bit more before watering. -Grish
  5. grisherman

    Plant Wilted Overnight - Recovery Suggestions Please

    Water temps above 75 is horrible. Your oxygen levels plummet, even with airstones. I would have to say the epsom salts are now your worst enemy. Flush with 5.8 ph water for a day or two. GIve that girl some Revive. SHell be ok. -Grish
  6. grisherman

    Should i be worried? *Pic*

    Too much water. Theys drownin! -Grish
  7. grisherman

    First time in soil - - slow slow slow

    FFOF has nutes to last you 3+ weeks. Let your soil dry out a bit more before watering again. PH around 6.8. I recently fired my outdoor greenhouse up after years of it sitting dormant. Been in love with my ebb and grow bucket system with some amazing results. SOil growers who have never done...
  8. grisherman

    1/3 of plants in Crop are turning pale, others doing fine?

    I would definitely replace youre cal and mag if youre using RO. That mag def picture looked awesome. The pic of the shit plant next to the awesome one.. your awesome plant looked like it was a bit overwatered. Flush.. let your soil dry out a bit more between feedings.. and go with some calmag...
  9. grisherman

    slow growing - 1 week from breaking ground

    What are your temps at? Plant looks healthy as can be. Slow growth may be from colder temps. -Grish
  10. grisherman

    What's up with my plants?

    Phosphorus or Boron deficiency. Most likely phosphorus... and perhaps some overwatering. Never dealt with canna. Listen to growers. -Grish
  11. grisherman

    New grow plant not looking good

    Soil. I see a nute ball in that stuff. Poor girl is getting cooked by nutes. Best you can do is go dig up some soil in your backyard or buy some foxfarm. No more Wal-mart or home depot soil. Start over. -Grish
  12. grisherman

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    What PPMs? Hydro or Soil? I see a bit of canoeing on your other leaves. Pobbible your light is too close? Although it looks like youre using LED's or something. -Grish
  13. grisherman

    overfed in hydro, nutrition lock, need pro help, hydro dwc

    NEVER EVER EVER flip a plant from veg to to flower then back to veg. Shes freakin out man!!! Doesn't know what the F to do! SOunds to me like youre over ferting the crap out of her. Drop your EC a bit and give her some Revive. Shit works wonders... also a vitamin B supplement will not hurt as...
  14. grisherman

    Small leaves and not branching out yet...problem??

    Small leaves could be a good thing.. Plants will make bigger leaves if they feel the need. Could be strain... what PPMs you feeding them? Like ringsixty said.. Pics man. Post pics! -Grish
  15. grisherman

    Burnt tips and yellow leaves, which def is this?

    Still in veg? Looks like your bottom leaves are where the deficiency starts. 90% sure youre lookin at a nitrogen deficiency. What kind of soil? What kind of nutes? PH? -Grish
  16. grisherman

    Help please! Can't quite figure out what's wrongs with my babies

    Yo! Dayam there could me a number of different things goin on.. Need some pics to diagnose properly. Your yellowing around the edges sounds like an iron deficiency. Youre PH is a bit low. Strive for about 6.8 in soil. Your leaves cupping down? COuld be overwatering, nitrogen toxicity.. a number...
  17. grisherman

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    OK ok... you are curing or drying all wrong if you are getting harshness... even the shittiest of herb can taste smooth with the proper cure. Second, no matter what, in peak maturity, you will end up with cloudy/amber trichomes. Lastly, what is your nute regimen?? GH base only wont do you any...
  18. grisherman

    Help please, possible humidity or nute deficiency

    These claims are preposterous. Your problem is a micronute. I would say iron, possibly magnesium. Could be burn or deficiency.. similar symptoms. The problem is that your Ph is either too high or low, not allowing micronute access to your babies' roots. What is your ph at right now?? Take your...
  19. grisherman

    Blue cheese/cheese grows

    I like sparkles