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  1. nomotoken

    125w vs 8 27w ??

    i have used 250 watts of cfls on 4 plants . the buds came out fine . very potent , but fluffy , which i prefer for a personal stash . 2 oz a month , bag seed , mostly indica strain . perpetual harvest .
  2. nomotoken

    Police Notice

    i havent grown in a long time , but i had 4 plants ,and the smell was overwhelming , even with a carbon filter
  3. nomotoken

    Police Notice

    i think the question has already been answered . carbon , ozone and air fragrences .
  4. nomotoken

    2x400w hps

    you have 70 sq ft . 1 plant/2 sq ft = 35 plants
  5. nomotoken

    600w buddha sister grow log

    3 timed the size of begining flower cycle
  6. nomotoken

    600w buddha sister grow log

    3 times the height as they are at begining of flower cycle
  7. nomotoken

    Dwc setup

    build and use cool tube with super cropping technique . you will come out better off with less plants in that amount of space