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  1. J

    Please Help Me Identify What's Attacking My Plants!

    Thank you Rileybears, it's nice to see I'm not talking to myself! :-P We can't afford a pest company, nor do we want to announce our crop to the world, but I have more pics. This morning we went out and had to cut the top off of one of our White Widows. It was very frustrating. :wall: It had the...
  2. J

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    I can't get the pictures to show.:confused:
  3. J

    Please Help Me Identify What's Attacking My Plants!

    Well, considering how fast this stuff spread and not wanting to lose our girls I printed out the pics and took them to our local nursery experts. It is good to be legal, :lol:! They didn't know what the tiny bumps were (they suggested I go out tomorrow with a magnifying glass), but the...
  4. J

    Please Help Me Identify What's Attacking My Plants!

    Hi, Newbie grower in California, here. My husband and I are legally growing our own meds in an outdoor garden for the first time. Our beautifully healthy plants of a few days ago now have an infestation of something; but I'm not a gardener, usually, and I don't know what it is or how to get rid...