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  1. W

    Peruvian Seabird Guano, help with dosage and ph

    My plants are in that so-common mix of 2 part FFOF, 1 part FFLW, with a small amount of blood meal and PSG mixed in. I was giving them only water for about the first month, with a well-timed transplant somewhere in there. They were doing great until I gave them the first application of compost...
  2. W

    Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH

    Hm, I run a vertical aero system based off of Earl's design, and I use FF nutes. Right now I'm at 1350 ppm with no sign of burn, and nutes are actually dropping. I think it would be different in a TAG system, but with LP aero (like earl) I think you can push the nutes much harder. Earl has his...
  3. W

    Crazy high energy bill

    ouch man, I feel your pain. I don't know where you live (house, apartment, dorm) and what else you're running (heater, etc) but have you ever considered that somebody might be stealing your power? Just a thought... if it's that high, sounds like a whole separate household. I run 2x1000w HPS...
  4. W

    molasses in hydroponics?

    I would be willing to bet that molasses can help to make your res more susceptible to things like root rot or other root-based diseases. If it doesn't work for you in hydro, your res is probably too hot or too stagnant. Or you're not using the right molasses. I've had bad luck with it in the...
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    Fake plastic trees for CO2?

    Originally posted by me at gardenscure: So I was watching PBS the other day, and there was a special on these two guys who are single-handedly fighting climate change. They invented plastic trees that can capture co2 all day long, then release it on command (explained later). Here's a link. I...
  6. W

    vertical growing

    I'm a vert grower. I love it. I'll never look back, even for smaller grows. I've learned a lot from this thread. Like the fact that RickWhite is a douche and that the definition of "unhealthy" has been widened to include lush, green plants as well.
  7. W

    Foxfarm and Aeroponics

    I've used FF with aero for a while, and yes every once in a while it does clog the spray heads. It's not so much that it will keep me from using it tho I have a homemade filter on mine. I took some PVC and cut a bunch of little holes in it and wrapped it with some blanket stuffing I got from...