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  1. D


    Exactly... you want your intakes as LOW as possible and your exhaust as HIGH as possible.
  2. D


    Sounds about right. My fans are screwed into a 1/2 inch wall without the screw coming out the other side and it holds solid. 6mm or 8mm threads work well.
  3. D


    Get what's called a "hole saw" -- you attach it to the end of a drill and it cuts a perfect circle. Get one that is sized to match the fans you plan to use. Any hardware store will have hole saws.
  4. D

    Diagnosis help

    Plant 2, top down, to show where the plant is affected. As you can see it's the oldest leaves on the lower sides showing the problem. New growth remains unaffected and looks healthy. Each day it gets slightly worse
  5. D

    Temperature Measurements - where to take them?

    Is it best to measure temperature at the soil, or at the top of the plant? The top of the plant is closest to the lights so its hottest, but its several degrees cooler at the soil level. So when all the guides say its best to keep temperature within a certain range, is that talking about at...
  6. D

    Diagnosis help

    I have foliar fed with just water + epsom salts (it was recommended to do this for Mg deficiency and I read it should not hurt a plant without an Mg deficiency), but not with nutes.
  7. D

    Diagnosis help

    My gut is telling me PH as well, especially since I have read that too high/low can look/sound just like an Mg deficiency. I've read multiple sources saying either 2tsp to 1 tablespoon per gallon. 1 tablespoon = 3tsp, I err'd on the side of caution and gave it 2tsp Anyone have any...
  8. D

    Diagnosis help

    I am adding a pic of what plant #1 looked like after it had progressed into this problem about 1 week, right before I started added epsom salts to the water. I think/thought I halted this problem, so I trimmed the dead/affected leaves and so far the problem still seems to be gone... but it may...
  9. D

    Diagnosis help

    Here is what is going on: This is my first grow 2 plants, bag seed, 2 very different strains (1 is more sativa dominant, the other more indica) Plant #1 is about 5 weeks from seed and Plant #2 is about 4 weeks from seed. Both plants have been under 18/6 since seed ~275 actual watts of CFLs (12...