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    should i use lime?

    ok since i'm nervous about it i want to just put 2 tblspns and see where it is, and if i need to i'll put the other 2 tblspns, how long does it take for it to react?
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    should i use lime?

    i went to the local garden center and they recommended that i use peletized lime to raise the ph in my soil and gave me a small bag. i have a 2 gallon pot and was wondering how much i should use... i'm trying to get my ph to 6.5, i was feeding my plant nutrients without monitoring the actual...
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    help save this plant!

    ok what do i want my ph and ppm to be? was i right in thinking its a mag. def? can i continue using my tap water or should i filter it? can i flush it more frequently or should i wait for it to dry out? also, what should i do about the nutrients once it has balanced out and my plant is back to...
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    help save this plant!

    hello fellow dope smokers, Don't be intimidated by how much I wrote because you know you need the whole story and info to troubleshoot this stuff, know you love reading this shit!!! So i'm popping my growing cherry with my first plant that i started growing on Aug. 9th. I...
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    Major Problem needs help fixing fast!

    If by use a spray bottle to water the leafs then no, i read somewhere that said it was better to water just the soil, i've been giving the plant about 12oz of water for the past few days now because its started to really sprout, i guess that has been too much... what do you mean exactly by...
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    Major Problem needs help fixing fast!

    what kind of soil do you recommend i use?
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    Major Problem needs help fixing fast!

    ok so how long should i hold the water under the sink for because like you said, the soil is pretty moist so would it be wise to add more? should i wait for it to dry out or just attack it now, i placed the second light just above so the two are next to eachother but neither light is directly...
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    Major Problem needs help fixing fast!

    So i'm growing my first plant and am experiencing some super bad issues that need fixing quick! my set up is a 300 watt compact fluorescent bulb, i have two but am using only one (should i use two?), its on a timer for 14 hrs and i have a fan that keeps the air at a constant 75 F and 48%...