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  1. Noods

    Light to foliage remake - The sticky is retarded.

    This is brilliant and simple! I'll be using this. Thanks!!
  2. Noods

    First grow

    Pretty cool! Nice to meet you too. I hope your fans are taking care of the heat? How hot is it in there? I found with my mini-fridge that tin foil reflects heat as well as light and after removing it, the temps stabilized at 84°. And that's with ONLY two 23w CFLs! (Need more, I know..) Good...
  3. Noods

    $0 temp grow cab for maybe a week

    Glad she sprouted for you! (I'm waiting for my first little sprout to poke out myself) Good Luck!
  4. Noods

    Need to know when to Harvest?

    Thanks for the link m420p!! Good stuff.
  5. Noods

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone! I've been a lurker for a while (sorry if you hate lurkers, some of us do have our reasons, though) just trying to get smart and I have found a LOT of helpful info here. I hope I can figure out how to start a journal and post pics 'cuz I got an Easy Ryder seed in a glass getting...