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  1. J

    Iranian G13 by Dr. Greenthumb

    Can you keep IG13 as a mom and clone it each year. I'm also looking for quicker flowering strains but I need to be able to keep a mother.
  2. J

    Who's running perpetual? What's your setup?

    My fault gp.. I read that your doing autos it just slipped my mind when I replied Ha I'm high
  3. J

    Who's running perpetual? What's your setup?

    How long do you veg for? Do u just flower one plant every 2 weeks? I have 2 separate areas and a 9 week strain so I was thinking of goin with a 3 week cycle. Basically have mom in area 1 and take 4-5 clones every 3 weeks. Once they root, they veg for 3 weeks. Then put them in area 2 for flower...
  4. J

    Who's running perpetual? What's your setup?

    What's up riu? Me and a buddy had a pretty good outdoor run this year but we want more of a continual harvest so we can have bud all the time. I was wondering if anyone on here is running a perpetual and what your setup/cycle and yields are. I think I have a good idea but would just like to here...