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  1. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    I appreciate all the input. It will def help me out. I will be changing my soil mixture for the next round. I will be happy to just slow/stop the progress of the problem rather then completely get it cured as I am probably 2-3weeks from harvest. I am still pretty happy with the plant, seeing as...
  2. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    2 of thos pics are of the same exact leaves 2 days apart.... nute burn or deficiency? I figured some of the bottom leaves were normal yellowing... but I also knew some was not normal and was something wrong... I was gonna feed today but I think I will wait a few more days and just water it...
  3. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    ya I do believe that there is too much perlite.... I took a few more photos.. the roots are NOT sticking out the bottom. The plant didn't seem to look any worse than yesterday so I guess that is good.
  4. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    I water every other day... and thats strange cause if I wait too much longer in between watering it starts drooping down. Maybe I have too high of a perlite mix in the soil and it causes it to dry/drain faster?
  5. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    also the pictures really only show the bottom 2/3rds or so. That is the only part of the plant so far affected. It began at the very bottom and has moved up.
  6. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    I don't think I have noticed any roots poking out the bottom... I will check later tonight and get a few pics for comparison. I water with a cup? lol not sure what you are asking there... I do get some runoff and I water every other day usually. I went two days no water and she drooped down...
  7. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    They have been fed 3 or 4 times in flowering. It has been right around 5 days since last feed I believe. I was not sure if the dieing leavs were a result from over feeding or a PH lockout. This is my first run around the block and it was dumb for me to not PH my water, I would know if it was PH...
  8. F

    43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

    Ok she is 43 days in flower, been in Happy frog/perlite mix for like 50 days total. I just flushed with water ph'd around 7 yesterday. *my water has been high ph the whole time* I have fed it before with 15-30-15 at about half Table spoon/gal three times total with about 5 days in between...
  9. F

    Need help topping

    Ok I think its big enough to top now. The plant has been growing well. 20 days old, I was gonna top it tonight right before the lights come on.
  10. F

    Need help topping

    It is pretty young still (2 weeks). I will wait a week or so and do it then. Thanks!
  11. F

    Need help topping

    Oh really?? that many already? I thought a node was each set of shoots that are opposite of each other? Anyone have a suggestion where I should top this thing at? thanks
  12. F

    swag bag seeds. high female success. thoughts?

    is that really what you grew from swag seeds??? That is amazing!
  13. F

    Need help topping

    I am wanting to top my plant using UB method to get 4 main colas. I'm not entirely sure how many nodes I have now. I'm thinkin it will be ready to top in 2 days or so. or maybe i'm wrong and I need to wait longer... any help? thanks!
  14. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    ya I buried her a little bit deeper.
  15. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    Ok I repotted her and changed my setup to get more wind on her. That was done saturday around 10. So about 41 hours ago, she looks a little better now. Thanks for the ideas!
  16. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    ok dark time is coming soon so I will work on a light configuration then
  17. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    Lights are in the shape of a K. plant is directly in the center. Could it have picked 1 bulb go favor growing towards? is that possible?
  18. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    thanks I didn't even think about covering the plastic! hope that didn't damage it any. I have a fan but you can't see it in the pics. Its a little lower than the height of the plant... I'm gonna try to reposition it to help the stem. Thanks for the help! I'm gonna repot today. should I repot...
  19. F

    10 days old... couple questions!!

    Ok my plant is about 10 days old... she is under 4 26 w 6500k cfls. I have been struggling with a small stem most of the 10 days. added dirt several times to stand her up. She is planted in a clear plastic cup and I can see the roots around all sides of the bottom. 1. how does she look? 2. how...
  20. F

    stealth cabinet door help!!

    Yea thats a really good idea. Mine is lower to the ground though and I think a picture would look funny there. That woulda been genius if my cabinet wasn't on the ground. thanks tho!