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  1. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    hey nugs have you ever budded with t5s
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    I'm thinking the you could still end up with the same height. The main stem would just be longer and the offshoots would be shorter.
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    hey nugs, I just had a crazy idea. What if instead of starting the main line on the 2nd or 3rd node starting it higher up like on the 7th or 8th node. more main stem less offshoot. will also be easier to water.
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hey nugs I got a question for you. I'm using roots organic which is known to have some bugs. When I water for the first time I will drench the soil with Azamax (concentrated neem) which seems to work pretty well for the bugs. My question is do you know if this stuff is bad for my beneficial...
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    Led Users Unite!

    One side by side comparison I'd love to see would be a spectra 120(180W actual power draw) vs. A 357 Magnum(190W Actual power draw)
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    Led Users Unite!

    No, they are on this site. Irishboys grow journals.
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    Led Users Unite!
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    Led Users Unite!

    The link for what?
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    Led Users Unite!

    Whats up fellas, I read through this thread a few days ago and since have read other threads and manufacters websites. I want to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge. I think I have it narrowed down to what I want for a 6X6 area although I could still change my mind. The blackstars...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Hey, thanks for the info Cereall. Those ProGrows look pretty good on the website. I got a couple more questions for you. 1) I noticed on the website that you can turn half the lights on for vegging. Do you turn them all on for flowering or just the flowering half. 2)Have you done a full...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Hey Cereall where can I get 4 ProGrow 260W for $1500 cause on the hydrohut web site they have them listed for like 430 a piece. How many actual watts do they draw?
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    Led Users Unite!

    Whats up fellas, just skimmed through most of this thread and I got kind of dizzy. I'm going to be setting up a grow that is 5X5. I will have 4 plants in 10 gallon pots using subcools super soil. The plants will end up being between 3 and 4 feet tall. I was thinking of using leds. So far I...
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Yo sub, whats the deal with the fulvic acid. I bought some. should I use it or does it not matter.
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    well, the reason I use RO water is because i'm on well water and the ppm is at about 520. I don't know if there is to much of a certain minerals in it so why not just start off with a clean slate by using RO water.
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    Quick question for sub or anyone else that can help me. I will be using RO water with your growing techniques but I can't find any powdered cal/mag anywhere. All I can find is the liquid cal/mag. Does anyone know where to get powdered cal/mag or if I should add the liquid stuff to the water.
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    Subcool's Super Soil

    hey sub got a question for you. Towards the end of your super soil video you add your secret ingredient. What is this and how come its not in your ingredients list. Thanks