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  1. WWDave

    Any special advice for growing Purple Haze??(Outdoor )

    A good method for keeping deer away Is get some bars of Ivory soap. The small motel sizes work well or cut up some big bars. Hang some up around the plant. I've used this method for many years and have no problem with deer.
  2. WWDave

    Mother, daughter, Granddaughter porn

    I know some of these pictures suck. I have to remember to turn off the lights next time. Oh well, what do you want from an old stoner. Any advise, criticism, off the wall remarks will be tolerated. This is first attempt at posting pictures on this forum. You can rate...
  3. WWDave

    Digital timers? any suggestions?

    You guys bumped my old brain. Perhaps the start up surge of the submersible pump is frying these timers. I am only running one pump at this time but was wanting to run three off the same timer. I think I'm going to look into running the timer to a strong relay for the switch. Any thoughts?
  4. WWDave

    Digital timers? any suggestions?

    Well, the ART-Dne failed again. I may have just lost 14 young ladies. I ordered two new timers but they have not arrived yet. We will see. I've got another batch of fetuses going. Getting really pissed off. Deep breathly, relax. lol
  5. WWDave

    Digital timers? any suggestions?

    I guess nobody on this thread knows anything about digital timers. lol All I wanted were some suggestions as to what were the best for the money. Oh well, guess I will reinvent the wheel.....
  6. WWDave

    This is the third year for poppies

    If you are buying your seeds from a grocery store you are buying radiation treated seeds that are sterile. See if they will root first by putting some between wet paper towel for a few days. I used to own a bakery at one time and bought 10 pound boxes of seed from the bakery supply company. They...
  7. WWDave

    Shooting Black Teens in Florida? A God Given Right? Another tragedy in Florida

    And did the libtard papers report the 50 black on black shooting and stabbings that happened that night?
  8. WWDave

    Digital timers? any suggestions?

    I've got two DNE- timers and both seem to be failing. They either stick on or stick off. NOT dependable. I'm only running one small pump on each. Any ideas on another brand timer. I'm about to hit these timers with a big fucking hammer. They have cost me some female friends for sure. I'm looking...
  9. WWDave

    Anyone Truly Love Working with Plants [not mj]

    I have always had a garden in my yard but the most fun I ever had was when my wife was running a day care in the house. When I planted in the spring I would bring the kids out and give each one a section of garden and seeds and plants. The first thing those kids wanted when they came here was to...
  10. WWDave

    Cheap alternative to Sensibloom?

    I have used Jacks Classic for all my grows, both dirt and now hydro. I buy the combo package of classic and bloom booster. 1.5 pounds each for like 18 bucks.
  11. WWDave

    You've Seriously Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me

    I saw a cartoon once that had a little girl on Santa lap. She said, "if you leave 5000 bucks under the Christmas tree I won't tell mamma you have a finger up my ass".
  12. WWDave

    My girlfriend ate a dog....

    Ever since Walt Disney people have been equating human feeling with animals. If you had raised a deer or a cow from birth and that animal keeps coming up to you and licking your face does that mean you will never eat deer or beef again, or pork? Get over it! I would be more concerned if she...
  13. WWDave

    Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

    I'm not hateful at all. All I'm saying is that I don't care if people in their 20s have a PHD in anything. They still start from the bottom in the real world. Don't expect a 100,000,000 a year job just getting out.
  14. WWDave

    I'm Done.

    Who the fuck cares? When each of us take our last breath we will find out for sure. Why argue about it. One way there is nothing, the other way there is eternity. I was brought up Catholic, and No, I haven't fucked any alter boys. I don't think there is any harm in living the 10 commandments, at...
  15. WWDave

    Lost in the maize

    The losers are looking for a law suit. Fuck um.......
  16. WWDave

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    A cups with big nips are nice to suck on. C cups are nice to put a certain member between. It's all good....... Do you like boobs a lot, yes I like boobs a lot. Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
  17. WWDave

    Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

    Oh Gee, It ain't fair, It ain't fair.... I guess I'm the idiot here. At 18 I worked a full time and two part time jobs. I did that for 3 years. I saved enough money to open my own business. I went from 60 hours a week working 3 jobs to 80 hours a week working 1 job. A couple of years of that...
  18. WWDave

    The scary shit thread.

    Back many years ago I had an Aunt. I'm of Italian decent and the custom was to dress in black for a year after a relative died. She had had her husband die and a son die a year after. I can never see her dressed in anything but black. One night back when I was a teen I went to sleep and can...
  19. WWDave

    my puppy likes dope

    So much animosity going on here. I had the pleasure of having a white lab at one time for a friend. I gave him a "shotgun" one time. From then on he would follow the circle around for a hit. At times he would stair into the corner of the room and bark like there was something there. I think it...
  20. WWDave

    OMG Elizabeth Warren is such a socialist

    Man, I can't wait for the trickle up economy to take effect so I can get a job from a poor person. LOL