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    Michigan Senate Bill #17 - Banning clubs and dispensaries

    Failing to see my point. It's not people like you and I that are causing trouble. Its those who have NO idea about marijuana. There a lot of ignorant out there, especially older folks who do see people going to these places. Many folks DO think it is or should be for the cancer/extremely...

    Michigan Senate Bill #17 - Banning clubs and dispensaries

    All dispensaries do is perpetuate the stereotypes of a "stoner" and how people are just abusing the MMJ system. Because you have "healthy" looking kids walking in and out of these places in broad daylight all day, everyday long for everyone to see. Now a club on the other hand is much more low...

    Michigan Senate Bill #17 - Banning clubs and dispensaries

    I agree! Its just like a CVS. Sure you have a bunch of different cold medicine to choose from, but in the end they are all the FUCKIN SAME. Same shit at a dispensary bogus strain names, uneducated staff and shady owners. Quality will just continue to get watered down as these pop up...

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    oh wow just saw the pic update. damn they stretch. I will try and post a pic of my kk tomorrow in my gallery or something. if you ever decide to grow it again, it will definitely encourage you to top it

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    Alright thanks. Just wondering because I have one going right now in a Scrog as well. I topped it once and it responded very well. It is stretching but Ive had no problem keeping the canopy pretty even with the other 2 plants (both indica doms). Im 2 weeks into 12/12, how long did it...

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    Growalata. Nice journal, good job. Just have one question. Did you top your Kandy Kush?

    attitude seeds, paradise seed giveaway

    I was planning on grabbing some SensiStar in a few weeks, but looks like I might as well do it now. Always been an indoor grower but will probably try 1 or 2 outdoors this year. So you guys recommend me just waiting to throw the AF outside then? Also does anyone know when Attitude is getting...

    Check Out This Info I Found About Not Flushing, That's Right, Not Flushing

    I am currently in my second year taking non-organic, bio-organic courses at my University. I will gladly admit I am not very knowledgeable with botany. But I would assume the equation is fairly simple for all living things considering we thrive on Carbon. A proper diet, nutrition and regimen...

    Check Out This Info I Found About Not Flushing, That's Right, Not Flushing

    I have to agree in regards to the flushing. Now I could get behind the "Well I dose the shit out of my plants, so I tend to flush out" thing. But if I smoke ganja everyday for 4 months and then decide to "flush" my system out for a week. There's a high possibility I won't pass a drug test...

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    Good day, Brick Top. Or should I say..

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    But youre right, although I was trying to bring some correct information to the table, maybe it is trolling. Because no matter what I say, the bs will continue long after I leave this world. So I can see some truth within that statement

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    It just bothers me that there is so much mis-information on these types of forums. Too many people who write checks their ass can't cash.

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    For 5,000 plus posts, growing since 1972 i wouldnt need to quote anybody except my own mental library

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    Oh lemme guess youre so big time its a security risk to post pictures and/or journals?

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    No you are wrong sir. H2O2 can have an affect on purely organic nutrients. Guess what? It can also have an affect on non-organic nutrients. Wanna know why? It's called excess. Too much of anything whether it's h2o2, nitrogen or fuckin fast food is a bad thing. H2o2 kills pathogens...

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    No, you are marketing yourself on this forum. As the all powerful, all knowing authority on everything. Is that all it takes? 5,000+ posts and an avatar of an old guy. Wow this guy must be some wise old sage. Experience always outweighs knowledge. I have not seen any experience form your posts.

    i need help leaves are taco shaped

    Dude youre full of shit. How are you going to constantly give advice from copy and pasted sources? H202 or hydrogen peroxide does wonders in a hydro system. oh sorry that its cheap and even agricultural vegetable farmers use it (but a higher concentration not available in pharmacies) but...

    8 days...Attitude shipment just "hanging" around the Royal Mail

    Guys it's just that time of the year. I ordered something totally non weed related and I checked the tracking (usps) this morning. It said that it had been delivered yesterday morning at 746am. But yesterday was sunday! I called and its coming here today. Things are just hectic.

    My Current set up: journal?

    Hey I have been browsing some journals and stumbled upon this one. Definitely an impressive setup (no doubt about that). I can attest to T5 lighting definitely proving its worth during the vegetative stage. I have the means so I do plan to do a test run on 1-2 girls all through budding...

    Light Burn, Nutes, Or just normal?? Input please

    yeah thanks they are in a grow tent and i ran out of height but i macguyvered it. I just folded the top cover of the tent back and hung the light from the ceiling above it and just covered the open areas with panda film at the top. Temps are good now and the fan leaves seem to be relaxing...