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  1. Supernaut JM

    Deficiency cant git it fixed w/ PICS

    Looks like a Manganese problem. But check this sight if you want ...
  2. Supernaut JM

    What the fuck--- must read

    Using caps is like getting in someone's face and shouting at them. LOL
  3. Supernaut JM

    best way to germinate seeds and your own methods that have worked for you .

    Seed in soil (5mm deep), a bit of water, a humidity dome, under an incandescent light for heat. 3 days later, sprout. Then I change the incandescent bulb for a 65 watt 6500k cfl.
  4. Supernaut JM


    Honey has antibacterial properties. You don't want to kill all those helpful microbes.
  5. Supernaut JM

    To Trim or leaf it alone?

    Don't use miracle grow. You might want to stop using bottled water, too; a lot of that stuff has minerals that might be upsetting the nutrient balance - potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and some other trace elements. I just use boiled tap water, and I let it sit for a day or 2 before using it.
  6. Supernaut JM

    Girl confirmation

    She's a 50/50 hybrid, NZ variety. 4 weeks veg before 12/12. She's about a foot tall. I'm surprised she showed so quickly - I've heard of people waiting for a week or 2 before any sure sign of sex. Got the seeds from a grower/breeder contact (he's currently growing a polyploid strain, and...
  7. Supernaut JM

    Girl confirmation

    Thank you God ... LOL. And the full view.
  8. Supernaut JM

    Girl confirmation

    No need for your eyes folks. Pistils are now clearly showing. Got the magnifying glass and saw the first trichomes too. Yippee! :-P
  9. Supernaut JM

    Girl confirmation

    Hey dudes. Just need some eyes to help me confirm that I have a female. Only 4 days into 12/12.
  10. Supernaut JM

    The Metal Thread

    early Sabbath, Mastodon, Meshuggah,
  11. Supernaut JM

    Thai Sativa plant taking a long time to bud in Southern California

    Yeah, sativas take longer to develop. Some are never ending when it comes to flowering.
  12. Supernaut JM


    Yeah, that's the way. Got my seeds wrapped in paper, in a jar with some rice in the bottom, sitting in the fridge's fruit and veg bin.
  13. Supernaut JM

    stupid newbie leaf quesie?

    Plants can do weird things, like 6 blade leaves [pic 1] And going from single blade leaves to 5 blade leaves (skipping the 3 blade leaves) [pic 2]. But as long as it's green, who cares about mutant developments.
  14. Supernaut JM

    Germinating your seeds

    Soak for a day, then into soil, place under the sun (sunlight coming indoors is the best) with a humidity cover. That's it.
  15. Supernaut JM

    Sugar leaves turning pale

    Nothing wrong with using urine as fert - why buy it when you can make it yourself? Pics. Mostly on the popcorn bud, but i don't want it to spread.
  16. Supernaut JM

    Sugar leaves turning pale

    Hi dudes, gotta small problem. Looking at some of my buds today, I've noticed some of the sugar leaves have turned a more pale green. Plant's in the later stages of flowering - about 75% of the trichs are still clear, and some of the fan leaves are turning yellow (which is normal, I guess). I'm...
  17. Supernaut JM

    10 days more 'til choppin!

    Awesome buds - inspirational :clap: :weed: Now I wish my little plant would hurry up. Just when I think she's nearing harvest, she spurts out with a new generation of pistils. Patience, patience ...
  18. Supernaut JM

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sativa dominant, 11 weeks into flower - she just keeps going. Trichs 25/75 cloudy/clear. Two, three weeks?
  19. Supernaut JM

    The Modern Lifestyle Chart

    If anyone's wondering, the bag at the top right is curry.
  20. Supernaut JM

    The Modern Lifestyle Chart

    Follow your proposed activities to their intersection point to reveal the outcome ... before it's too late!