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  1. G

    Outdoor uk grow

    3 photos left. 3/4 chopped auto. 72 gs from critical by RQS. just gone into flower. Let’s see if they beat the frost. thoughts?
  2. G

    Bud rot

    Thanks Phyto dude. Smells ok I think.. lol . Hope you’re well.
  3. G

    Bud rot

    Is this rot or just brown calyxs? Doesn’t turn to powder or anything when rubbed. Been drying for 2 days now, 62~ RH
  4. G

    Yes or no

  5. G

    Ok to cut?

    cheers mate
  6. G

    Ok to cut?

    Broke my loupe, they were 20% milky last week?
  7. G

    Shrooms in my weed

    Thanks man
  8. G

    Shrooms in my weed

    Is it?
  9. G

    Ok do you flush with bio bizz ??? Hearing mixed answers

    Some say flush, some say don’t. Me, I flush, two weeks before I only give 0.5ml of pk with base nute at 50%, final week flush till Run off day one, then again 15 mins later. Do the same 2 days before harvest. Leaves will turn and go yellow as the plant is drawing what it needs from the fan...
  10. G

    Is it fine to defoliate during flowering?

    from experience, leave alone cause it can cause them to stop, they need as little intervention as possible.
  11. G

    Is she dying? Or close to harvest?

    Which direction east or west
  12. G

    Is she dying? Or close to harvest?

    Sounds like a UK grow lol
  13. G

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Nice man, when did you cut all the fan leaves off? Like, how long before harvest?
  14. G

    Little update

    Late starter here in the uk but not too long now, they’re RQS critical and sweet zz auto by RQS using shogun pk and some organic tomato feed with sea kelp extract, have a good weekend folks
  15. G

    Can I harvest early

    Thanks man
  16. G

    Can I harvest early

    Yeah next month the frost will come
  17. G

    Can I harvest early

    Hi folks, me again. I planted 3 photos way too late, they wont survive and they haven't even flowers yet, can I chop them now and use the leaves or stems for anything? tea? they're low cbd plants but eh.
  18. G

    Flush soon?

    Ok guys thanks, learn something new every day. that's why I love this forum.
  19. G

    Flush soon?

    Also, I wanna keep the leaves and make tea and balms and obviously smoke the bud