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  1. L

    My first grow/design ever, critique please :)

    bumby bumby!!!
  2. L

    My first grow/design ever, critique please :)

    got the veg room in order and somewhat of my flower room :) pics check!!!! veg room: three 4" fluorescent flower room: 1000W hps nutrients just started today, finally pure blend pro grow. sooner or later the clones will come into play and I'll go strictly hydro but for now ive been having...
  3. L

    NEWBIE...hydro build

    well imma bumby this :leaf: but with a little better question. i want to get a cycle going where i have 10 plants flowering while 10 are vegging. and then every 2 months get a harvest. money is my biggest problem right now. but another problem i have, after long days and nights on i'm...
  4. L

    NEWBIE...hydro build

    hey guys, i just started building a "Mr. green" type room in my basement and I'm looking to get more then 4 plants in that bad boy lol I'm getting a 1000 Hps tomorrow hoping to get 10 girls out of it. i heard rock wool is really great for a grow median until it reach flowering stage, from...
  5. L

    need help with lighting and plant yeild.

    :-( yeah, that guy is my hero lol, all my friends and i get baked out and watch him lol oh man ahhahahah cracks me the fuck up. <3 For the lights, i figure if you have a 400 watt light running 27/0 it will cost around $40 but you just sell two $20 to your closest buds, when your weeds harvested...
  6. L

    need help with lighting and plant yeild.

    hahah yeah, thats exactly where i got all my info :-D great video. here the place where the clones and mothers are going i was thinking drip system for the clones and mothers. a Big ass Eb N Flow system for the Flowers.
  7. L

    need help with lighting and plant yeild.

    oo oooops forgot that part. for the clones and mother im gunna use a drip system in Rockwool. then for flowering im planning on using a Eb N' Flow system, but if i can just continue to use the drip i think ill just use that . which evers easyer lol everythings gunna be timed. plus the Co2 tank...
  8. L

    need help with lighting and plant yeild.

    hey guys i just recently came across a 5ftx 6 1/2 - 7ft area. took this and edited it in photoshop. and made some measurements. i was wondering, how many plants could i fit here? and what WATT light? i want all plants to have as much yeild has they can. what i was working torwds for...
  9. L

    All you need!

    Judging on the money, i would guess there on there way ;-D
  10. L

    new grow setup

    i had the same idea but just a little different. i was gunna use it but i found a better area :-D maybe it might be a good idea or start :)
  11. L

    need assistance A.S.A.P

    :-D Np Stay Safe
  12. L

    My first grow/design ever, critique please :)

    well guys its been a while and ive had time to get plans completed and ive found a better area. any comments. how many plants do you think i can grow. i would say its like 6.7 ft tall. area is 5ftx7ft and be expanded if needed. :twisted: ill use the same drip system. would it be a good idea...
  13. L

    Half 0z On a Saturday Morning

    it had a slight sweet smell. it didnt have the potent indica smell tho, it was very green and light smelling :-D
  14. L

    Half 0z On a Saturday Morning

    $170 he said it was a classic strain "jack ??somthing??" i looked it up but theres nothing. im pretty blazed sitting here watching "how high". im pretty ripped :-D!!!!!!
  15. L

    Half 0z On a Saturday Morning

    We got the delivery around 1:00 but hey that morning for us from the night before. im unsure of the strain. but hey maybe you can tell from the picture:joint:
  16. L

    Great Stoner Quotes

    here's one: "IM SOO FUCKING BAKED!"
  17. L

    All you need!

    lol that just happend not even 5 minutes ago.
  18. L

    need assistance A.S.A.P

    hey im a new grower to and i found a video that would be pretty good for one plant thing, but you just might have to scale it to your grow, like i did :-D YouTube - Cannabis Cultivation - I Grow Chronic (1of9) Weed Marijuana YouTube - Cannabis Cultivation - I Grow Chronic (2of9) Weed Marijuana...
  19. L

    All you need!

  20. L

    Ak 48 ???

    Np - Burn em.